Structural Determinants of mTORC2 Substrate Specificity and SGK1 Phosphorylation Revealed by Cryogenic Electron Microscopy.

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Junliang Chen, Zanlin Yu, Feng Wang, Xi Liu, Enzo Takagi, Lydia-Marie Joubert, Mingliang Jin, Carlos Nowotny, David Agard, Yifan Cheng, David Pearce. Structural Determinants of mTORC2 Substrate Specificity and SGK1 Phosphorylation Revealed by Cryogenic Electron Microscopy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2021 Oct 1; 32(10S):363-363.


Junliang Chen, Zanlin Yu, Feng Wang, Xi Liu, Enzo Takagi, Lydia-Marie Joubert, Mingliang Jin, Carlos Nowotny, David Agard, Yifan Cheng, David Pearce