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Michael Conte, MD

400 Parnassus Avenue, Rm A587
UCSF Box 0222
San Francisco, CA 94117
United States
+1 415 353-2357

Research Interests: Aortic reconstruction, carotid artery disease, lower extremity arterial occlusive disease, diabetic vascular disease Summary: Our laboratory studies the healing process in blood vessels which currently limits the long term success of procedures like angioplasty and bypass surgery. Our goals are to develop new drug and molecular therapies to prevent failures due to vessel re-narrowing, and to better identify patients at increased risk.


Outcomes of chronic limb-threatening ischemia revascularization in patients with chronic kidney disease in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Malas MB, Hamouda M, Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Rosenfield K, Strong MB, Doros G, Powell RJ, Mena-Hurtado C, Gasper W, Schermerhorn ML, Allievi S, Smolderen KG, Dake MD, Rymer JA, Tuttle KR

Vascular Quality Initiative Assessment of Compliance with Society for Vascular Surgery Practice Guidelines for the Endovascular Management of Claudication.

Journal of vascular surgery

Iannuzzi JC, Animilli S, Simons J, Tonnessen B, Koleilat I, Indes JE, Conte MS, Eldrup-Jorgensen J

Low rates of aortic surveillance imaging and clinical follow-up in patients with acute aortic dissection.

Journal of vascular surgery

Flanagan CP, Kim AS, Ramirez JL, Mangipudi SA, Smith EJT, Conte MS, Hiramoto JS

Large language models can accurately populate Vascular Quality Initiative procedural databases using narrative operative reports.

Journal of vascular surgery

Flanagan CP, Trang K, Nacario J, Schneider PA, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Wick EC, Conway AM

Advanced WIfI Stage is Associated with Poor Outcomes in the BEST-CLI Trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Siracuse JJ, Farber A, Menard MT, Rosenfield K, Conte MS, Schanzer A, Doros G, Motaganahalli R, Laskowski IJ, Barshes NR, Genovese EA, Strong MB, Mills JL

Impact of Skin Closure with Staples Versus Sutures on Perioperative Outcomes Following Lower Extremity Bypass Surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery

Hamouda M, Rogers UH, Farber A, Rowe VL, Conte MS, Malas MB

A Novel Preoperative Risk Score to Identify Patients at High Risk for Non-Home Discharge After Elective Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.

Annals of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Sung E, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Boitano LT, Ulloa JG, Iannuzzi JC

The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on the Outcomes of Revascularization for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ochoa Chaar CI, Malas M, Doros G, Schermerhorn M, Conte MS, Alameddine D, Siracuse JJ, Yadavalli SD, Dake MD, Creager MA, Tan TW, Rosenfield K, Menard MT, Farber A, Hamdan A

Prosthetic Conduits have Worse Outcomes compared to Great Saphenous Vein Conduits in Femoropopliteal and Infrapopliteal Bypass in Patients with Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Rosenfield K, Schermerhorn M, Schanzer A, Powell RJ, Chaar CIO, Hicks CW, Doros G, Strong MB, Leers SA, Motaganahalli R, Stangenberg L, Siracuse JJ

Antithrombotic Strategies for Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: JACC Scientific Statement.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Bonaca MP, Barnes GD, Bauersachs R, Bessada Y, Conte MS, Dua A, Hess CN, Serhal M, Mena-Hurtado C, Weitz JI, Beckman JA

Dynamic changes in proresolving lipid mediators and their receptors following acute vascular injury in male rats.

Physiological reports

Kagaya H, Kim AS, Chen M, Lin PY, Yin X, Spite M, Conte MS

Early Opioid Use and Postoperative Delirium Following Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.

Annals of vascular surgery

Gutierrez RD, Pepic L, Lancaster EM, Gasper WJ, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS, Bongiovanni T, Iannuzzi JC

The Impact of Revascularization Strategy on Clinical Failure, Hemodynamic Failure and Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia Symptoms in the BEST-CLI Trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Menard MT, Farber A, Doros G, McGinigle KL, Chisci E, Clavijo LC, Kayssi A, Schneider PA, Hawkins BM, Dake MD, Hamza T, Strong MB, Rosenfield K, Conte MS

Surgery or Endovascular Therapy for Patients with Chronic Limb-threatening Ischemia Requiring Infrapopliteal Interventions.

Journal of vascular surgery

Giles KA, Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Nolan BW, Siracuse JJ, Strong M, Doros G, Venermo M, Azene E, Rosenfield K, Powell RJ

Infrapopliteal Peripheral Vascular Interventions for Claudication are Performed Frequently in the USA and Are Associated with Poor Long Term Outcomes.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Bose S, Dun C, Solomon AJ, Black JH, Conte MS, Kalbaugh CA, Woo K, Makary MA, Hicks CW

Infrapopliteal Endovascular Interventions for Claudication Are Associated with Poor Long-Term Outcomes in Medicare-Matched Registry Patients.

Annals of surgery

Bose S, McDermott KM, Dun C, Mao J, Solomon AJ, Black JH, Columbo JA, Conte MS, Deery SE, Goodney PP, Kalathiya R, Kalbaugh CA, Siracuse JJ, Woo K, Makary MA, Hicks CW

Endovascular therapy versus bypass for chronic limb-threatening ischemia in a real-world practice.

Journal of vascular surgery

Zarrintan S, Rahgozar S, Ross EG, Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Malas MB

Fixing a Hole: a retrospective cohort study evaluating HAV, HBV, tetanus screening, and vaccination during hospitalization in persons who use substances.

Therapeutic advances in infectious disease

Streifel AC, Rivera Sarti JE, Sikka MK, Conte M, Winders B, Varley CD

Characterization of cardiovascular serious adverse events after bypass or endovascular revascularization for limb-threatening ischemia in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Siracuse JJ, Menard MT, Rosenfield K, Conte MS, Powell R, Hamburg N, Doros G, Strong MB, Farber A

Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Treated With Revascularization.


Menard MT, Farber A, Powell RJ, Rosenfield K, Conte MS, Hamza TH, Kaufman JA, Cziraky MJ, Creager MA, Dake MD, Jaff MR, Reid D, Sopko G, White CJ, Strong MB, van Over M, Chisci E, Goodney PP, Gray B, Kayssi A, Siracuse JJ, Choudhry NK, BEST-CLI Investigators

Appropriateness of Care Measures: A Novel Approach to Quality.

Annals of vascular surgery

Hicks CW, Conte MS, Dun C, Makary MA

The "Woundosome" Concept and Its Impact on Procedural Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists

Patrone L, Pasqui E, Conte MS, Farber A, Ferraresi R, Menard M, Mills JL, Rundback J, Schneider P, Ysa A, Abhishek K, Adams GL, Ahmad N, Ahmed I, Alexandrescu VA, Amor M, Alper D, Andrassy M, Attinger C, Baadh A, Barakat H, Biasi L, Bisdas T, Bhatti Z, Blessing E, Bonaca MP, Bonvini S, Bosiers M, Bradbury AW, Beasley R, Behrendt CA, Brodmann M, Cabral G, Cancellieri R, Casini A, Chandra V, Chisci E, Chohan O, Choke ETC, Chong PFS, Clerici G, Coscas R, Costantino M, Dalla Paola L, Dand S, Davies RSM, D'Oria M, Diamantopoulos A, Debus S, Deloose K, Del Giudice C, Donato G, Rubertis B, Paul De Vries J, Dias NV, Diaz-Sandoval L, Dick F, Donas K, Dua A, Fanelli F, Fazzini S, Foteh M, Gandini R, Gargiulo M, Garriboli L, Genovese EA, Gifford E, Goueffic Y, Goverde P, Chand Gupta P, Hinchliffe R, Holden A, Houlind KC, Howard DP, Huasen B, Isernia G, Katsanos K, Katzen B, Kolh P, Koncar I, Korosoglou G, Krishnan P, Kroencke T, Krokidis M, Kumarasamy A, Hayes P, Iida O, Alejandre Lafont E, Langhoff R, Lecis A, Lessne M, Lichaa H, Lichtenberg M, Lobato M, Lopes A, Loreni G, Lucatelli P, Madassery S, Maene L, Manzi M, Maresch M, Santhosh Mathews J, McCaslin J, Micari A, Michelagnoli S, Migliara B, Morgan R, Morelli L, Morosetti D, Mouawad N, Moxey P, Müller-Hülsbeck S, Mustapha J, Nakama T, Nasr B, N'dandu Z, Neville R, Noory E, Nordanstig J, Noronen K, Mariano Palena L, Parlani G, Patel AS, Patel P, Patel R, Patel S, Pena C, Perkov D, Portou M, Pratesi G, Rammos C, Reekers J, Riambau V, Roy T, Rosenfield K, Antonella Ruffino M, Saab F, Saratzis A, Sbarzaglia P, Schmidt A, Secemsky E, Siah M, Sillesen H, Simonte G, Sirvent M, Sommerset J, Steiner S, Sakr A, Scheinert D, Shishebor M, Spiliopoulos S, Spinelli A, Stravoulakis K, Taneva G, Teso D, Tessarek J, Theivacumar S, Thomas A, Thomas S, Thulasidasan N, Torsello G, Tripathi R, Troisi N, Tummala S, Tummala V, Twine C, Uberoi R, Ucci A, Valenti D, van den Berg J, van den Heuvel D, Van Herzeele I, Varcoe R, Vega de Ceniga M, Veith FJ, Venermo M, Vijaynagar B, Virdee S, Von Stempel C, Voûte MT, Khee Yeung K, Zeller T, Zayed H, Montero Baker M

Relevance of BEST-CLI trial endpoints in a tertiary care limb preservation program.

Journal of vascular surgery

Liu IH, El Khoury R, Hiramoto JS, Gasper WJ, Schneider PA, Vartanian SM, Conte MS

Secondary interventions following open versus endovascular revascularization for chronic limb threatening ischemia in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Azene E, Doros G, Gasper WJ, Hamza T, Kashyap VS, Guzman R, Mena-Hurtado C, Menard MT, Rosenfield K, Rowe VL, Strong M, Farber A

Exploring the impact of type II diabetes mellitus on voice quality.

European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Saghiri MA, Vakhnovetsky J, Amanabi M, Karamifar K, Farhadi M, Amini SB, Conte M

Predictors of Amputation Free Survival and Wound Healing after Infrainguinal Bypass with Alternative Conduits.

Journal of vascular surgery

Matthay ZA, Pace WA, Smith EJ, Gutierrez RD, Gasper WJ, Hiramoto JS, Reilly LM, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

BEST-CLI International Collaborative: planning a better future for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia globally.

The British journal of surgery

Farber A, Menard MT, Bonaca MP, Bradbury A, Conte MS, Debus ES, Eldrup N, Goodney P, Gupta PC, Hinchliffe RJ, Houlind KC, Kolh P, Kum SWC, Nordanstig J, Parikh SA, Patel MR, Patrone L, Sillesen H, Strong MB, Varcoe RL, Vega de Ceniga M, Venermo MA, Rosenfield K

Demonstrating Agreement between Radio and Fluorescence Measurements of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory.

Physical review letters

Abdul Halim A, Abreu P, Aglietta M, Allekotte I, Cheminant KA, Almela A, Aloisio R, Alvarez-Muñiz J, Yebra JA, Anastasi GA, Anchordoqui L, Andrada B, Andringa S, Apollonio L, Aramo C, Ferreira PRA, Arnone E, Velázquez JCA, Assis P, Avila G, Avocone E, Bakalova A, Barbato F, Mocellin AB, Bellido JA, Berat C, Bertaina ME, Bhatta G, Bianciotto M, Biermann PL, Binet V, Bismark K, Bister T, Biteau J, Blazek J, Bleve C, Blümer J, Bohácová M, Boncioli D, Bonifazi C, Arbeletche LB, Borodai N, Brack J, Orchera PGB, Briechle FL, Bueno A, Buitink S, Buscemi M, Büsken M, Bwembya A, Caballero-Mora KS, Cabana-Freire S, Caccianiga L, Caruso R, Castellina A, Catalani F, Cataldi G, Cazon L, Cerda M, Cermenati A, Chinellato JA, Chudoba J, Chytka L, Clay RW, Cerutti ACC, Colalillo R, Coleman A, Coluccia MR, Conceição R, Condorelli A, Consolati G, Conte M, Convenga F, Dos Santos DC, Costa PJ, Covault CE, Cristinziani M, Sanchez CSC, Dasso S, Daumiller K, Dawson BR, de Almeida RM, de Jesús J, de Jong SJ, Neto JRTM, De Mitri I, de Oliveira J, Franco DO, de Palma F, de Souza V, de Errico BPS, De Vito E, Del Popolo A, Deligny O, Denner N, Deval L, di Matteo A, Dobre M, Dobrigkeit C, D'Olivo JC, Mendes LMD, Dorosti Q, Dos Anjos JC, Dos Anjos RC, Ebr J, Ellwanger F, Emam M, Engel R, Epicoco I, Erdmann M, Etchegoyen A, Evoli C, Falcke H, Farmer J, Farrar G, Fauth AC, Fazzini N, Feldbusch F, Fenu F, Fernandes A, Fick B, Figueira JM, Filipcic A, Fitoussi T, Flaggs B, Fodran T, Fujii T, Fuster A, Galea C, Galelli C, García B, Gaudu C, Gemmeke H, Gesualdi F, Gherghel-Lascu A, Ghia PL, Giaccari U, Glombitza J, Gobbi F, Gollan F, Golup G, Berisso MG, Vitale PFG, Gongora JP, González JM, González N, Goos I, Góra D, Gorgi A, Gottowik M, Grubb TD, Guarino F, Guedes GP, Guido E, Gülzow L, Hahn S, Hamal P, Hampel MR, Hansen P, Harari D, Harvey VM, Haungs A, Hebbeker T, Hojvat C, Hörandel JR, Horvath P, Hrabovský M, Huege T, Insolia A, Isar PG, Janecek P, Jilek V, Johnsen JA, Jurysek J, Kampert KH, Keilhauer B, Khakurdikar A, Covilakam VVK, Klages HO, Kleifges M, Knapp F, Köhler J, Kunka N, Lago BL, Langner N, de Oliveira MAL, Lema-Capeans Y, Letessier-Selvon A, Lhenry-Yvon I, Lopes L, Lu L, Luce Q, Lundquist JP, Payeras AM, Majercakova M, Mandat D, Manning BC, Mantsch P, Marafico S, Mariani FM, Mariazzi AG, Maris IC, Marsella G, Martello D, Martinelli S, Bravo OM, Martins MA, Mathes HJ, Matthews J, Matthiae G, Mayotte E, Mayotte S, Mazur PO, Medina-Tanco G, Meinert J, Melo D, Menshikov A, Merx C, Michal S, Micheletti MI, Miramonti L, Mollerach S, Montanet F, Morejon L, Morello C, Mulrey K, Mussa R, Namasaka WM, Negi S, Nellen L, Nguyen K, Nicora G, Niechciol M, Nitz D, Nosek D, Novotny V, Nožka L, Nucita A, Núñez LA, Oliveira C, Palatka M, Pallotta J, Panja S, Parente G, Paulsen T, Pawlowsky J, Pech M, Pekala J, Pelayo R, Pereira LAS, Martins EEP, Armand JP, Bertolli CP, Perrone L, Petrera S, Petrucci C, Pierog T, Pimenta M, Platino M, Pont B, Pothast M, Shahvar MP, Privitera P, Prouza M, Puyleart A, Querchfeld S, Rautenberg J, Ravignani D, Akim JVR, Reininghaus M, Ridky J, Riehn F, Risse M, Rizi V, de Carvalho WR, Rodriguez E, Rojo JR, Roncoroni MJ, Rossoni S, Roth M, Roulet E, Rovero AC, Ruehl P, Saftoiu A, Saharan M, Salamida F, Salazar H, Salina G, Gomez JDS, Sánchez F, Santos EM, Santos E, Sarazin F, Sarmento R, Sato R, Savina P, Schäfer CM, Scherini V, Schieler H, Schimassek M, Schimp M, Schmidt D, Scholten O, Schoorlemmer H, Schovánek P, Schröder FG, Schulte J, Schulz T, Sciutto SJ, Scornavacche M, Segreto A, Sehgal S, Shivashankara SU, Sigl G, Silli G, Sima O, Simkova K, Simon F, Smau R, Šmída R, Sommers P, Soriano JF, Squartini R, Stadelmaier M, Stanic S, Stasielak J, Stassi P, Strähnz S, Straub M, Suomijärvi T, Supanitsky AD, Svozilikova Z, Szadkowski Z, Tairli F, Tapia A, Taricco C, Timmermans C, Tkachenko O, Tobiska P, Peixoto CJT, Tomé B, Torrès Z, Travaini A, Travnicek P, Trimarelli C, Tueros M, Unger M, Vaclavek L, Vacula M, Galicia JFV, et al

Current Status and Principles for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in the Cardiovascular Patient Population: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.


Gallagher KA, Mills JL, Armstrong DG, Conte MS, Kirsner RS, Minc SD, Plutzky J, Southerland KW, Tomic-Canic M, American Heart Association Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; Council on Cardiovascular and Str

Risk Factors and Associated Outcomes of Postoperative Delirium After Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.

Journal of vascular surgery

Gutierrez RD, Smith EJT, Matthay ZA, Gasper WJ, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS, Finlayson E, Walter LC, Iannuzzi JC

Decreasing prevalence of centers meeting the Society for Vascular Surgery abdominal aortic aneurysm guidelines in the United States.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Matthay ZA, Lancaster E, Smith EJT, Gasper WJ, Zarkowsky DS, Doyle AJ, Patel VI, Schanzer A, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

The Intersocietal IWGDF, ESVS, SVS Guidelines on Peripheral Artery Disease in People With Diabetes Mellitus and a Foot Ulcer.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Fitridge R, Chuter V, Mills J, Hinchliffe R, Azuma N, Behrendt CA, Boyko EJ, Conte MS, Humphries M, Kirksey L, McGinigle KC, Nikol S, Nordanstig J, Rowe V, Russell D, van den Berg JC, Venermo M, Schaper N

The intersocietal IWGDF, ESVS, SVS guidelines on peripheral artery disease in people with diabetes mellitus and a foot ulcer.

Journal of vascular surgery

Fitridge R, Chuter V, Mills J, Hinchliffe R, Azuma N, Behrendt CA, Boyko EJ, Conte MS, Humphries M, Kirksey L, McGinigle KC, Nikol S, Nordanstig J, Rowe V, Russell D, van den Berg JC, Venermo M, Schaper N

The intersocietal IWGDF, ESVS, SVS guidelines on peripheral artery disease in people with diabetes and a foot ulcer.

Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews

Fitridge R, Chuter V, Mills J, Hinchliffe R, Azuma N, Behrendt CA, Boyko EJ, Conte MS, Humphries M, Kirksey L, McGinigle KC, Nikol S, Nordanstig J, Rowe V, Russell D, van den Berg JC, Venermo M, Schaper N

Effectiveness of revascularisation for the ulcerated foot in patients with diabetes and peripheral artery disease: A systematic review.

Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews

Chuter V, Schaper N, Mills J, Hinchliffe R, Russell D, Azuma N, Behrendt CA, Boyko EJ, Conte MS, Humphries MD, Kirksey L, McGinigle KC, Nikol S, Nordanstig J, Rowe V, van den Berg JC, Venermo M, Fitridge R

Apples and oranges? A comparison of BEST-CLI to BASIL-2.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, O'Banion LA

Performance of non-invasive bedside vascular testing in the prediction of wound healing or amputation among people with foot ulcers in diabetes: A systematic review.

Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews

Chuter V, Schaper N, Hinchliffe R, Mills J, Azuma N, Behrendt CA, Boyko EJ, Conte MS, Humphries M, Kirksey L, McGinigle KC, Nikol S, Nordanstig J, Rowe V, David R, van den Berg JC, Venermo M, Fitridge R

Effectiveness of bedside investigations to diagnose peripheral artery disease among people with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review.

Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews

Chuter V, Schaper N, Mills J, Hinchliffe R, Russell D, Azuma N, Behrendt CA, Boyko EJ, Conte MS, Humphries M, Kirksey L, McGinigle KC, Nikol S, Nordanstig J, Rowe V, van den Berg JC, Venermo M, Fitridge R

Effects of Diabetes on Elemental Levels and Nanostructure of Root Canal Dentin.

Journal of endodontics

Saghiri MA, Vakhnovetsky J, Samadi E, Napoli S, Samadi F, Conte M, Morgano SM

Perioperative complications following open or endovascular revascularization for chronic limb-threatening ischemia in the BEST-CLI Trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Siracuse JJ, Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Kaufman JA, Jaff M, Kiang SC, Ochoa Chaar CI, Osborne N, Singh N, Tan TW, Guzman RJ, Strong MB, Hamza TH, Doros G, Rosenfield K

Transcatheter Arterialization of Veins in Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

The New England journal of medicine

McGinigle KL, Menard MT, Conte MS

Baseline modern medical management in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Menard MT, Jaff MR, Farber A, Rosenfield K, Conte MS, White CJ, Beckman JA, Choudhry NK, Clavijo LC, Huber TS, Tuttle KR, Hamza TH, Schanzer A, Laskowski IA, Cziraky MJ, Drooz A, van Over M, Strong MB, Weinberg I

Case planning and execution of inframalleolar bypass for chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques

Gomez-Sanchez CM, Conte MS

Patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms have reduced levels of microRNA 122-5p in circulating exosomes.

PloS one

Lopez JL, Ramirez JL, Phu TA, Duong P, Bouchareychas L, Kuhrau CR, Lin PY, Eckalbar WL, Barczak AJ, Rudolph JD, Maliskova L, Conte MS, Vartanian SM, Raffai RL, Oskowitz AZ

Lower-extremity pressure, staging, and grading thresholds to identify chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Choi JC, Miranda J, Greenleaf E, Conte MS, Gerhard-Herman MD, Mills JL, Barshes NR

Structured discharge documentation reduces sex-based disparities in statin prescription in vascular surgery patients.

Journal of vascular surgery

Sanders KM, Nacario JH, Smith EJT, Jaramillo EA, Lancaster EM, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Cognitive Impairment is Common in a Veterans Affairs Population with Peripheral Arterial Disease.

Annals of vascular surgery

Smith EJT, Gasper WJ, Schneider PA, Finlayson E, Walter LC, Covinsky KE, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Open revascularization approach is associated with healing and ambulation after transmetatarsal amputation in patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Gomez-Sanchez C, Werlin E, Sorrentino T, El Khoury R, Lancaster E, Parks C, Goodman B, Dini M, Iannuzzi J, Reyzelman A, Conte MS, Gasper W

Presenting limb severity is associated with long-term outcomes after infrainguinal revascularization for chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Liu IH, El Khoury R, Wu B, Gasper WJ, Schneider PA, Hiramoto JS, Vartanian SM, Conte MS

Rivaroxaban in patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease after lower extremity bypass surgery with venous and prosthetic conduits.

Journal of vascular surgery

Govsyeyev N, Nehler M, Conte MS, Debus S, Chung J, Dorigo W, Gudz I, Krievins D, Mills J, Moll F, Norgren L, Piffaretti G, Powell R, Szalay D, Sillesen H, Wohlauer M, Szarek M, Bauersachs RM, Anand SS, Patel MR, Capell WH, Jaeger N, Hess CN, Muehlhofer E, Haskell LP, Berkowitz SD, Bonaca MP


Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P

Relationship between WIfI stage and quality of life at revascularization in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Siracuse JJ, Rowe VL, Menard MT, Rosenfield K, Conte MS, Powell R, Clavijo LC, Giles KA, Hamza TH, Van Over M, Cziraky M, White CJ, Strong MB, Farber A

Surgery or Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

The New England journal of medicine

Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Kaufman JA, Powell RJ, Choudhry NK, Hamza TH, Assmann SF, Creager MA, Cziraky MJ, Dake MD, Jaff MR, Reid D, Siami FS, Sopko G, White CJ, van Over M, Strong MB, Villarreal MF, McKean M, Azene E, Azarbal A, Barleben A, Chew DK, Clavijo LC, Douville Y, Findeiss L, Garg N, Gasper W, Giles KA, Goodney PP, Hawkins BM, Herman CR, Kalish JA, Koopmann MC, Laskowski IA, Mena-Hurtado C, Motaganahalli R, Rowe VL, Schanzer A, Schneider PA, Siracuse JJ, Venermo M, Rosenfield K, BEST-CLI Investigators

Racial and ethnic disparities in major adverse limb events persist for chronic limb threatening ischemia despite presenting limb threat severity after peripheral vascular intervention.

Journal of vascular surgery

Jaramillo EA, Smith EJT, Matthay ZA, Sanders KM, Hiramoto JS, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Screening for co-infections in patients with substance use disorders and severe bacterial infections.

Therapeutic advances in infectious disease

Varley CD, Conte M, Streifel AC, Winders B, Sikka MK

Practice patterns surrounding the use of tibial interventions for claudication in the Medicare population.

Journal of vascular surgery

Bose S, Dun C, Sorber R, Stonko DP, Solomon AJ, Black JH, Lum YW, Conte MS, Makary MA, Hicks CW

Description and outcomes of patients with substance use disorder with serious bacterial infections who had a multidisciplinary care conference.

Therapeutic advances in infectious disease

Conte M, Schneider B, Varley CD, Streifel AC, Sikka MK

Association of Intraoperative and Perioperative Transfusions with Postoperative Cardiovascular Events and Mortality After Infrainguinal Revascularization.

Annals of vascular surgery

Matthay ZA, Smith EJ, Flanagan CP, Wu B, Malas MB, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Pedal arterial calcification score is associated with hemodynamic change and major amputation after infrainguinal revascularization for chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Liu IH, Wu B, Krepkiy V, El Khoury R, Ferraresi R, Reyzelman AM, Hiramoto JS, Schneider PA, Conte MS, Vartanian SM

Clinical Predictors and Outcomes Associated with Postoperative Delirium Following Infrainguinal Bypass Surgery.

Annals of vascular surgery

Gutierrez RD, Matthay ZA, Smith EJT, Linderman K, Gasper WJ, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Searching for a New Parameter in the Healing of Tibia Pilon Fractures: Fracture Area Measurement.

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association

Gencer B, Dogan Ö, Igdir V, Çulcu A, Caliskan E, Biçimoglu A

Capturing the complexity of open abdominal aortic surgery in the endovascular era.

Journal of vascular surgery

Woodford C, El Khoury R, Ramirez JL, Liu IH, Lancaster EM, Nacario J, Hiramoto JS, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Iannuzzi JC, Conte MS

Factors associated with lower preoperative quality of life in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia in the BEST-CLI trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Powell RJ, Choudhry N, Conte M, Cziraky M, Giles K, Hamza T, Menard M, Rosenfeld K, Rowe V, Siracuse JJ, Strong M, Van Over M, Villarreal M, White C, Farber A

Limb-based patency as a measure of effective revascularization for chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

El Khoury R, Wu B, Kupiec-Weglinski SA, Liu IH, Edwards CT, Lancaster EM, Hiramoto JS, Vartanian SM, Schneider PA, Conte MS

Society for Vascular Surgery appropriate use criteria for management of intermittent claudication.

Journal of vascular surgery

Woo K, Siracuse JJ, Klingbeil K, Kraiss LW, Osborne NH, Singh N, Tan TW, Arya S, Banerjee S, Bonaca MP, Brothers T, Conte MS, Dawson DL, Erben Y, Lerner BM, Lin JC, Mills JL, Mittleider D, Nair DG, O'Banion LA, Patterson RB, Scheidt MJ, Simons JP, Society for Vascular Surgery Appropriateness Committee

Applicability of the Vascular Quality Initiative mortality prediction model for infrainguinal revascularization in a tertiary limb preservation center population.

Journal of vascular surgery

El Khoury R, Wu B, Kupiec-Weglinski SA, Dang LE, Edwards CT, Lancaster EM, Hiramoto JS, Vartanian SM, Schneider PA, Simons JP, Conte MS

Analysis of a Machine Learning-Based Risk Stratification Scheme for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

JAMA network open

Chung J, Freeman NLB, Kosorok MR, Marston WA, Conte MS, McGinigle KL

A systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Goodney P, Shah S, Hu YD, Suckow B, Kinlay S, Armstrong DG, Geraghty P, Patterson M, Menard M, Patel MR, Conte MS

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Symptomatic, Non-Limb-Threatening Peripheral Artery Disease: A State-of-the-Art Review.

Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions

Rymer JA, Narcisse D, Cosiano M, Tanaka J, McDermott MM, Treat-Jacobson DJ, Conte MS, Tuttle B, Patel MR, Smolderen KG

Risk factors for venous thromboembolism after vascular surgery and implications for chemoprophylaxis strategies.

Journal of vascular surgery. Venous and lymphatic disorders

Matthay ZA, Flanagan CP, Sanders K, Smith EJ, Lancaster EM, Gasper WJ, Kornblith LZ, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Pedal arterial calcification score is associated with the risk of major amputation in chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Liu IH, Wu B, Krepkiy V, Ferraresi R, Reyzelman AM, Hiramoto JS, Schneider PA, Conte MS, Vartanian SM

Feasibility of Photo-Optical Transcutaneous Oxygen Tension Measurement During Revascularization of the Lower Extremity.

Annals of vascular surgery

Leenstra BS, Meerkerk C, Conte M, Hinnen JW, de Borst GJ, Verhoeven B

Effect of Rivaroxaban and Aspirin in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease Undergoing Surgical Revascularization: Insights From the VOYAGER PAD Trial.


Debus ES, Nehler MR, Govsyeyev N, Bauersachs RM, Anand SS, Patel MR, Fanelli F, Capell WH, Brackin T, Hinterreiter F, Krievins D, Nault P, Piffaretti G, Svetlikov A, Jaeger N, Hess CN, Sillesen HH, Conte M, Mills J, Muehlhofer E, Haskell LP, Berkowitz SD, Hiatt WR, Bonaca MP

The Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS) for CLTI: Improving Inter-Observer Agreement.

Journal of clinical medicine

Wijnand JGJ, Zarkowsky D, Wu B, van Haelst STW, Vonken EPA, Sorrentino TA, Pallister Z, Chung J, Mills JL, Teraa M, Verhaar MC, de Borst GJ, Conte MS

Precision Medicine Enables More TNM-Like Staging in Patients With Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia.

Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine

McGinigle KL, Freeman NLB, Marston WA, Farber A, Conte MS, Kosorok MR, Kalbaugh CA

Understanding value and patient complexity among common inpatient vascular surgery procedures.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Lopez J, Sanders K, Schneider PA, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Sosa JA, Iannuzzi JC

Closure device use for common femoral artery antegrade access is higher risk than retrograde access.

Annals of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Smith EJT, Zarkowsky DS, Lopez J, Hicks CW, Schneider PA, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Contemporary Experience with Paravisceral Aortic Aneurysm (PVAAA) Repair in a Tertiary Center.

Annals of vascular surgery

Zarkowsky DS, Inman JT, Sorrentino TA, Hiramoto JS, Vartanian SM, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Gasper WJ, Conte MS

A Limb is a Peninsula- and No Clinician is an Island: Introducing the American Limb Preservation Society (ALPS).

Foot & ankle surgery (New York, N.Y.)

Crews RT, Lepow BD, Mills JL, Conte MS, Najafi B, Steinberg JS, Wu SC, Armstrong DG

The Significance of the Global Vascular Guidelines for Podiatrists: Answers to Key Questions in the Diagnosis and Management of the Threatened Limb.

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association

Rogers LC, Conte MS, Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, Mills JL, Neville RF

The Global Limb Anatomic Staging System is associated with outcomes of infrainguinal revascularization in chronic limb threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

El Khoury R, Wu B, Edwards CT, Lancaster EM, Hiramoto JS, Vartanian SM, Schneider PA, Conte MS

Depression Predicts Non-Home Discharge After Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.

Annals of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Zarkowsky DS, Ramirez FD, Gasper WJ, Cohen BE, Conte MS, Grenon SM, Iannuzzi JC

Patients with depression are less likely to go home after critical limb revascularization.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Zahner GJ, Arya S, Grenon SM, Gasper WJ, Sosa JA, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Endovascular interventions for claudication do not meet minimum standards for the Society for Vascular Surgery efficacy guidelines.

Journal of vascular surgery

Bath J, Lawrence PF, Neal D, Zhao Y, Smith JB, Beck AW, Conte M, Schermerhorn M, Woo K


Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P

A novel preoperative risk score for nonhome discharge after elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Zarkowsky DS, Boitano LT, Conrad MF, Arya S, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Consensus-based perioperative protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of neurosurgery. Spine

Mummaneni PV, Burke JF, Chan AK, Sosa JA, Lobo EP, Mummaneni VP, Antrum S, Berven SH, Conte MS, Doernberg SB, Goldberg AN, Hess CP, Hetts SW, Josephson SA, Kohi MP, Ma CB, Mahadevan VS, Molinaro AM, Murr AH, Narayana S, Roberts JP, Stoller ML, Theodosopoulos PV, Vail TP, Wienholz S, Gropper MA, Green A, Berger MS

Association of Health Status Scores With Cardiovascular and Limb Outcomes in Patients With Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease: Insights From the EUCLID (Examining Use of Ticagrelor in Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease) Trial.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Rymer JA, Mulder H, Smolderen KG, Hiatt WR, Conte MS, Berger JS, Norgren L, Mahaffey KW, Baumgartner I, Fowkes FG, Katona BG, Rockhold F, Jones WS, Patel MR

Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on an academic vascular practice and a multidisciplinary limb preservation program.

Journal of vascular surgery

Lancaster EM, Wu B, Iannuzzi J, Oskowitz A, Gasper W, Vartanian S, Wick E, Hiramoto J, Eichler C, Lobo E, Reyzelman A, Reilly L, Sosa JA, Conte MS

Editor's Choice - Relationship Between Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS) and Clinical Outcomes Following Revascularisation for Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia in the Bypass Versus Angioplasty in Severe Ischaemia of the Leg (BASIL)-1 Trial.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Kodama A, Meecham L, Popplewell M, Bate G, Conte MS, Bradbury AW

Treatment With a Marine Oil Supplement Alters Lipid Mediators and Leukocyte Phenotype in Healthy Patients and Those With Peripheral Artery Disease.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Schaller MS, Chen M, Colas RA, Sorrentino TA, Lazar AA, Grenon SM, Dalli J, Conte MS

Living in a Food Desert is Associated with 30-day Readmission after Revascularization for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

Annals of vascular surgery

Smith EJT, Ramirez JL, Wu B, Zarkowsky DS, Gasper WJ, Finlayson E, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Corrigendum to "Global Vascular Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischaemia" [Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 58 (1S) (2019) 1-109>].

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, White JV, Dick F, Fitridge R, Mills JL, Ricco JB, Suresh KR, Murad MH, Aboyans V, Aksoy M, Alexandrescu VA, Armstrong D, Azuma N, Belch J, Bergoeing M, Bjorck M, Chakfé N, Cheng S, Dawson J, Debus ES, Dueck A, Duval S, Eckstein HH, Ferraresi R, Gambhir R, Gargiulo M, Geraghty P, Goode S, Gray B, Guo W, Gupta PC, Hinchliffe R, Jetty P, Komori K, Lavery L, Liang W, Lookstein R, Menard M, Misra S, Miyata T, Moneta G, Munoa Prado JA, Munoz A, Paolini JE, Patel M, Pomposelli F, Powell R, Robless P, Rogers L, Schanzer A, Schneider P, Taylor S, De Ceniga MV, Veller M, Vermassen F, Wang J, Wang S, GVG Writing Group for the Joint Guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), World Federation of Vascular Societies (WFVS)

Increased Reintervention After Infrainguinal Revascularization for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia in Women.

Annals of vascular surgery

Wu B, Lancaster EM, Ramirez JL, Zarkowsky DS, Reyzelman AM, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Hiramoto JS

Clinical Effectiveness and Resource Utilization of Surgery versus Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

Annals of vascular surgery

Lamaina M, Childers CP, Liu C, Mak SS, Booth MS, Conte MS, Maggard-Gibbons M, Shekelle PG

Patient complexity by surgical specialty does not correlate with work relative value units.


Ramirez JL, Gasper WJ, Seib CD, Finlayson E, Conte MS, Sosa JA, Iannuzzi JC

Meaningful change in 6-minute walk in people with peripheral artery disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

McDermott MM, Tian L, Criqui MH, Ferrucci L, Conte MS, Zhao L, Li L, Sufit R, Polonsky TS, Kibbe MR, Greenland P, Leeuwenburgh C, Guralnik JM

Natural history of acute pediatric iliofemoral artery thrombosis treated with anticoagulation.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Kuhrau CR, Wu B, Zarkowsky DS, Conte MS, Oskowitz AZ, Nijagal A, Vartanian SM

External validation of the Vascular Quality Initiative prediction model for survival in no-option chronic limb-threatening ischemia patients.

Journal of vascular surgery

Verwer MC, Wijnand JGJ, Teraa M, Gremmels H, Simons JP, Conte MS, Verhaar MC, de Borst GJ

Five year mortality and direct costs of care for people with diabetic foot complications are comparable to cancer.

Journal of foot and ankle research

Armstrong DG, Swerdlow MA, Armstrong AA, Conte MS, Padula WV, Bus SA

Antegrade common femoral artery closure device use is associated with decreased complications.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramirez JL, Zarkowsky DS, Sorrentino TA, Hicks CW, Vartanian SM, Gasper WJ, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC

Circulating exosomes from patients with peripheral artery disease influence vascular cell migration and contain distinct microRNA cargo.

JVS-vascular science

Sorrentino TA, Duong P, Bouchareychas L, Chen M, Chung A, Schaller MS, Oskowitz A, Raffai RL, Conte MS

Where do We Go to in the Treatment of Acute Limb Ischaemia?

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Yeung KK, Conte MS

Appropriate use of revascularization for claudication.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS


Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P

Comparing 6-minute walk versus treadmill walking distance as outcomes in randomized trials of peripheral artery disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

McDermott MM, Guralnik JM, Tian L, Zhao L, Polonsky TS, Kibbe MR, Criqui MH, Zhang D, Conte MS, Domanchuk K, Li L, Sufit R, Leeuwenburgh C, Ferrucci L

Corrigendum to 'Global Vascular Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia' [European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 58/1S (2019) 1-109].

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, White JV, Dick F, Fitridge R, Mills JL, Ricco JB, Suresh KR, Murad MH, Aboyans V, Aksoy M, Alexandrescu VA, Armstrong D, Azuma N, Belch J, Bergoeing M, Bjorck M, Chakfé N, Cheng S, Dawson J, Debus ES, Dueck A, Duval S, Eckstein HH, Ferraresi R, Gambhir R, Garguilo M, Geraghty P, Goode S, Gray B, Guo W, Gupta PC, Hinchliffe R, Jetty P, Komori K, Lavery L, Liang W, Lookstein R, Menard M, Misra S, Miyata T, Moneta G, Munoa Prado JA, Munoz A, Paolini JE, Patel M, Pomposelli F, Powell R, Robless P, Rogers L, Schanzer A, Schneider P, Taylor S, Vega de Ceniga M, Veller M, Vermassen F, Wang J, Wang S, GVG Writing Group for the Joint Guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), and World Federation of Vascular Societies (WFVS)

Oral Resolvin D1 attenuates early inflammation but not intimal hyperplasia in a rat carotid angioplasty model.

Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators

Mottola G, Werlin EC, Wu B, Chen M, Chatterjee A, Schaller MS, Conte MS

Validation of randomized controlled trial-derived models for the prediction of postintervention outcomes in chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Wijnand JGJ, van Koeverden ID, Teraa M, Spreen MI, Mali WPTM, van Overhagen H, Pasterkamp G, de Borst GJ, Conte MS, Gremmels H, Verhaar MC

Risk score for nonhome discharge after lower extremity bypass.

Journal of vascular surgery

Iannuzzi JC, Boitano LT, Cooper MA, Watkins MT, Eagleton MJ, Clouse WD, Conte MS, Conrad MF

Building a global alliance in vascular surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery

White JV, Conte M, Bradbury A, Kolh P, Dick F, Fitridge R, Mills J, Ricco JB, Suresh K

Building a Global Alliance in Vascular Surgery.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

White J, Conte M, Bradbury A, Kolh P, Dick F, Fitridge R, Mills J, Ricco JB, Suresh K

A systematic review and meta-analysis of revascularization outcomes of infrainguinal chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Almasri J, Adusumalli J, Asi N, Lakis S, Alsawas M, Prokop LJ, Bradbury A, Kolh P, Conte MS, Murad MH

Global Vascular Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, White JV, Dick F, Fitridge R, Mills JL, Ricco JB, Suresh KR, Murad MH, Aboyans V, Aksoy M, Alexandrescu VA, Armstrong D, Azuma N, Belch J, Bergoeing M, Bjorck M, Chakfé N, Cheng S, Dawson J, Debus ES, Dueck A, Duval S, Eckstein HH, Ferraresi R, Gambhir R, Gargiulo M, Geraghty P, Goode S, Gray B, Guo W, Gupta PC, Hinchliffe R, Jetty P, Komori K, Lavery L, Liang W, Lookstein R, Menard M, Misra S, Miyata T, Moneta G, Munoa Prado JA, Munoz A, Paolini JE, Patel M, Pomposelli F, Powell R, Robless P, Rogers L, Schanzer A, Schneider P, Taylor S, De Ceniga MV, Veller M, Vermassen F, Wang J, Wang S, GVG Writing Group for the Joint Guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), European Socie

A systematic review and meta-analysis of revascularization outcomes of infrainguinal chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Almasri J, Adusumalli J, Asi N, Lakis S, Alsawas M, Prokop LJ, Bradbury A, Kolh P, Conte MS, Murad MH

Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, White JV, Dick F, Fitridge R, Mills JL, Ricco JB, Suresh KR, Murad MH, GVG Writing Group

Survival prediction in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia who undergo infrainguinal revascularization.

European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery

Simons JP, Schanzer A, Flahive JM, Osborne NH, Mills JL, Bradbury AW, Conte MS

Fish Oil Increases Specialized Pro-resolving Lipid Mediators in PAD (The OMEGA-PAD II Trial).

The Journal of surgical research

Ramirez JL, Gasper WJ, Khetani SA, Zahner GJ, Hills NK, Mitchell PT, Sansbury BE, Conte MS, Spite M, Grenon SM

Invited commentary.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS

Resolvin D1 decreases abdominal aortic aneurysm formation by inhibiting NETosis in a mouse model.

Journal of vascular surgery

Spinosa M, Su G, Salmon MD, Lu G, Cullen JM, Fashandi AZ, Hawkins RB, Montgomery W, Meher AK, Conte MS, Sharma AK, Ailawadi G, Upchurch GR

Survival prediction in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia who undergo infrainguinal revascularization.

Journal of vascular surgery

Simons JP, Schanzer A, Flahive JM, Osborne NH, Mills JL, Bradbury AW, Conte MS

Pro-resolving lipid mediators in vascular disease.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Conte MS, Desai TA, Wu B, Schaller M, Werlin E

Perivascular delivery of resolvin D1 inhibits neointimal hyperplasia in a rabbit vein graft model.

Journal of vascular surgery

Wu B, Werlin EC, Chen M, Mottola G, Chatterjee A, Lance KD, Bernards DA, Sansbury BE, Spite M, Desai TA, Conte MS

Interventions for lower extremity peripheral artery disease.

Nature reviews. Cardiology

Hiramoto JS, Teraa M, de Borst GJ, Conte MS

A systematic review and meta-analysis of revascularization outcomes of infrainguinal chronic limb-threatening ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Almasri J, Adusumalli J, Asi N, Lakis S, Alsawas M, Prokop LJ, Bradbury A, Kolh P, Conte MS, Murad MH

Effect of a Home-Based Exercise Intervention of Wearable Technology and Telephone Coaching on Walking Performance in Peripheral Artery Disease: The HONOR Randomized Clinical Trial.


McDermott MM, Spring B, Berger JS, Treat-Jacobson D, Conte MS, Creager MA, Criqui MH, Ferrucci L, Gornik HL, Guralnik JM, Hahn EA, Henke P, Kibbe MR, Kohlman-Trighoff D, Li L, Lloyd-Jones D, McCarthy W, Polonsky TS, Skelly C, Tian L, Zhao L, Zhang D, Rejeski WJ

Determinants of midterm functional outcomes, wound healing, and resources used in a hospital-based limb preservation program.

Journal of vascular surgery

Ramanan B, Ahmed A, Wu B, Causey MW, Gasper WJ, Vartanian SM, Reyzelman AM, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS

Resolution of vascular injury: Specialized lipid mediators and their evolving therapeutic implications.

Molecular aspects of medicine

Wu B, Mottola G, Schaller M, Upchurch GR, Conte MS

Invited commentary.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS

Relationship between the omega-3 index and specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators in patients with peripheral arterial disease taking fish oil supplements.

Journal of clinical lipidology

Schaller MS, Zahner GJ, Gasper WJ, Harris WS, Conte MS, Hills NK, Grenon SM

Cryopreserved saphenous vein as a last-ditch conduit for limb salvage.

Journal of vascular surgery

O'Banion LA, Wu B, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Conte MS, Hiramoto JS

Biosynthesis of proresolving lipid mediators by vascular cells and tissues.

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Chatterjee A, Komshian S, Sansbury BE, Wu B, Mottola G, Chen M, Spite M, Conte MS

Ticagrelor Compared With Clopidogrel in Patients With Prior Lower Extremity Revascularization for Peripheral Artery Disease.


Jones WS, Baumgartner I, Hiatt WR, Heizer G, Conte MS, White CJ, Berger JS, Held P, Katona BG, Mahaffey KW, Norgren L, Blomster J, Millegård M, Reist C, Patel MR, Fowkes FG, International Steering Committee and Investigators of the EUCLID Trial

Novel association between bone mineral density scores and the prevalence of peripheral artery disease in both sexes.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Baldwin MJ, Policha A, Maldonado T, Hiramoto JS, Honig S, Conte MS, Berger J, Rockman CB

D-series resolvins inhibit murine abdominal aortic aneurysm formation and increase M2 macrophage polarization.

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Pope NH, Salmon M, Davis JP, Chatterjee A, Su G, Conte MS, Ailawadi G, Upchurch GR

Unidirectional and sustained delivery of the proresolving lipid mediator resolvin D1 from a biodegradable thin film device.

Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A

Lance KD, Chatterjee A, Wu B, Mottola G, Nuhn H, Lee PP, Sansbury BE, Spite M, Desai TA, Conte MS

Design and Rationale of the Best Endovascular Versus Best Surgical Therapy for Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia (BEST-CLI) Trial.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Menard MT, Farber A, Assmann SF, Choudhry NK, Conte MS, Creager MA, Dake MD, Jaff MR, Kaufman JA, Powell RJ, Reid DM, Siami FS, Sopko G, White CJ, Rosenfield K

Perivascular delivery of resolvin D1 inhibits neointimal hyperplasia in a rat model of arterial injury.

Journal of vascular surgery

Wu B, Mottola G, Chatterjee A, Lance KD, Chen M, Siguenza IO, Desai TA, Conte MS

Society for Vascular Surgery limb stage and patient risk correlate with outcomes in an amputation prevention program.

Journal of vascular surgery

Causey MW, Ahmed A, Wu B, Gasper WJ, Reyzelman A, Vartanian SM, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS

Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is a rare cause of stroke after carotid endarterectomy.

Journal of vascular surgery

Causey MW, Amans MR, Han S, Higashida RT, Conte M

Critical Limb Ischemia: Current Trends and Future Directions.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Teraa M, Conte MS, Moll FL, Verhaar MC

Predictors of major amputation despite patent bypass grafts.

Journal of vascular surgery

Smith AD, Hawkins AT, Schaumeier MJ, de Vos MS, Conte MS, Nguyen LL

Nonrevascularization-based treatments in patients with severe or critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Abu Dabrh AM, Steffen MW, Asi N, Undavalli C, Wang Z, Elamin MB, Conte MS, Murad MH

The natural history of untreated severe or critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Abu Dabrh AM, Steffen MW, Undavalli C, Asi N, Wang Z, Elamin MB, Conte MS, Murad MH

Bypass surgery versus endovascular interventions in severe or critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Abu Dabrh AM, Steffen MW, Asi N, Undavalli C, Wang Z, Elamin MB, Conte MS, Murad MH

Short-Term, High-Dose Fish Oil Supplementation Increases the Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acid-Derived Mediators in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease (the OMEGA-PAD I Trial).

Journal of the American Heart Association

Grenon SM, Owens CD, Nosova EV, Hughes-Fulford M, Alley HF, Chong K, Perez S, Yen PK, Boscardin J, Hellmann J, Spite M, Conte MS

Risk Factors for 30-Day Hospital Readmission in Patients Undergoing Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease.

Vascular and endovascular surgery

Han SM, Wu B, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Vartanian SM, Conte MS, Hiramoto J

Analysis of nutritional habits and intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids in veterans with peripheral arterial disease.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Nosova EV, Bartel K, Chong KC, Alley HF, Conte MS, Owens CD, Grenon SM

Revascularization for chronic limb-threatening ischaemia.

The British journal of surgery

Conte MS, Farber A

Functional outcomes after lower extremity revascularization in nursing home residents: a national cohort study.

JAMA internal medicine

Oresanya L, Zhao S, Gan S, Fries BE, Goodney PP, Covinsky KE, Conte MS, Finlayson E

Surgical intervention for peripheral arterial disease.

Circulation research

Vartanian SM, Conte MS

Systemic delivery of proresolving lipid mediators resolvin D2 and maresin 1 attenuates intimal hyperplasia in mice.

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Akagi D, Chen M, Toy R, Chatterjee A, Conte MS

Primary stenting in femoropopliteal occlusive disease - what is the appropriate role?

Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society

Yiu WK, Conte MS

Evaluation and treatment of patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease: consensus definitions from Peripheral Academic Research Consortium (PARC).

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Patel MR, Conte MS, Cutlip DE, Dib N, Geraghty P, Gray W, Hiatt WR, Ho M, Ikeda K, Ikeno F, Jaff MR, Jones WS, Kawahara M, Lookstein RA, Mehran R, Misra S, Norgren L, Olin JW, Povsic TJ, Rosenfield K, Rundback J, Shamoun F, Tcheng J, Tsai TT, Suzuki Y, Vranckx P, Wiechmann BN, White CJ, Yokoi H, Krucoff MW

A systematic review for the screening for peripheral arterial disease in asymptomatic patients.

Journal of vascular surgery

Alahdab F, Wang AT, Elraiyah TA, Malgor RD, Rizvi AZ, Lane MA, Prokop LJ, Montori VM, Conte MS, Murad MH

A systematic review of treatment of intermittent claudication in the lower extremities.

Journal of vascular surgery

Malgor RD, Alahdab F, Alalahdab F, Elraiyah TA, Rizvi AZ, Lane MA, Prokop LJ, Phung OJ, Farah W, Montori VM, Conte MS, Murad MH

Society for Vascular Surgery practice guidelines for atherosclerotic occlusive disease of the lower extremities: management of asymptomatic disease and claudication.

Journal of vascular surgery

Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Guidelines Writing Group, Conte MS, Pomposelli FB, Clair DG, Geraghty PJ, McKinsey JF, Mills JL, Moneta GL, Murad MH, Powell RJ, Reed AB, Schanzer A, Sidawy AN, Society for Vascular Surgery

Outcomes of neuroischemic wounds treated by a multidisciplinary amputation prevention service.

Annals of vascular surgery

Vartanian SM, Robinson KD, Ofili K, Eichler CM, Hiramoto JS, Reyzelman AM, Conte MS

Advancing beyond the "heart-healthy diet" for peripheral arterial disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Nosova EV, Conte MS, Grenon SM

Relationship between kidney disease and endothelial function in peripheral artery disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Chong KC, Owens CD, Park M, Alley HF, Boscardin WJ, Conte MS, Gasper WJ, Grenon SM

Clinical trials in peripheral vascular disease: pipeline and trial designs: an evaluation of the ClinicalTrials.gov database.


Subherwal S, Patel MR, Chiswell K, Tidemann-Miller BA, Jones WS, Conte MS, White CJ, Bhatt DL, Laird JR, Hiatt WR, Tasneem A, Califf RM

Clinical correlates of red blood cell omega-3 fatty acid content in male veterans with peripheral arterial disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Nosova EV, Chong KC, Alley HF, Harris WS, Boscardin WJ, Conte MS, Owens CD, Grenon SM

Gender-specific risk factors for peripheral artery disease in a voluntary screening population.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Hiramoto JS, Katz R, Weisman S, Conte M

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with mortality and adverse vascular access outcomes in patients with end-stage renal disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Walker JP, Hiramoto JS, Gasper WJ, Auyang P, Conte MS, Rapp JH, Lovett DH, Owens CD

Short-term physical inactivity impairs vascular function.

The Journal of surgical research

Nosova EV, Yen P, Chong KC, Alley HF, Stock EO, Quinn A, Hellmann J, Conte MS, Owens CD, Spite M, Grenon SM

Factors associated with primary vein graft occlusion in a multicenter trial with mandated ultrasound surveillance.

Journal of vascular surgery

Oresanya L, Makam AN, Belkin M, Moneta GL, Conte MS

Growing impact of restenosis on the surgical treatment of peripheral arterial disease.

Journal of the American Heart Association

Jones DW, Schanzer A, Zhao Y, MacKenzie TA, Nolan BW, Conte MS, Goodney PP, Vascular Study Group of New England

The Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Threatened Limb Classification System: risk stratification based on wound, ischemia, and foot infection (WIfI).

Journal of vascular surgery

Mills JL, Conte MS, Armstrong DG, Pomposelli FB, Schanzer A, Sidawy AN, Andros G, Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Guidelines Committee

Vein graft failure.

Journal of vascular surgery

Owens CD, Gasper WJ, Rahman AS, Conte MS

n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids supplementation in peripheral artery disease: the OMEGA-PAD trial.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Grenon SM, Owens CD, Alley H, Chong K, Yen PK, Harris W, Hughes-Fulford M, Conte MS

Clinical consequence of bare metal stent and stent graft failure in femoropopliteal occlusive disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Vartanian SM, Johnston PC, Walker JP, Runge SJ, Eichler CM, Reilly LM, Hiramoto JS, Conte MS

Peripheral artery disease and risk of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease: insights from the Heart and Soul Study.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Grenon SM, Vittinghoff E, Owens CD, Conte MS, Whooley M, Cohen BE

Association between n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of red blood cells and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with peripheral artery disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Grenon SM, Conte MS, Nosova E, Alley H, Chong K, Harris WS, Vittinghoff E, Owens CD

Proceedings from the Society of Interventional Radiology research consensus panel on critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR

Misra S, Lookstein R, Rundback J, Hirsch AT, Hiatt WR, Jaff MR, White CR, Conte M, Geraghty P, Patel M, Rosenfield K

D-series resolvin attenuates vascular smooth muscle cell activation and neointimal hyperplasia following vascular injury.

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Miyahara T, Runge S, Chatterjee A, Chen M, Mottola G, Fitzgerald JM, Serhan CN, Conte MS

Risk prediction of 30-day readmission after infrainguinal bypass for critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

McPhee JT, Nguyen LL, Ho KJ, Ozaki CK, Conte MS, Belkin M

Setting high-impact clinical research priorities for the Society for Vascular Surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery

Kraiss LW, Conte MS, Geary RL, Kibbe M, Ozaki CK

A single nucleotide polymorphism in the p27(Kip1) gene is associated with primary patency of lower extremity vein bypass grafts.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Owens CD, Belkin M, Creager MA, Edwards KL, Gasper WJ, Kenagy RD, LeBoeuf RC, Sobel M, Clowes A

Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism inhibits vein graft remodeling in mice.

The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

Ehsan A, McGraw AP, Aronovitz MJ, Galayda C, Conte MS, Karas RH, Jaffe IZ

Thirty-day vein remodeling is predictive of midterm graft patency after lower extremity bypass.

Journal of vascular surgery

Gasper WJ, Owens CD, Kim JM, Hills N, Belkin M, Creager MA, Conte MS

Use of alternative methodologies for evaluation of composite end points in trials of therapies for critical limb ischemia.

American heart journal

Subherwal S, Anstrom KJ, Jones WS, Felker MG, Misra S, Conte MS, Hiatt WR, Patel MR

Mitochondrial heat shock protein-90 modulates vascular smooth muscle cell survival and the vascular injury response in vivo.

The American journal of pathology

Hoel AW, Yu P, Nguyen KP, Sui X, Plescia J, Altieri DC, Conte MS

Clinical practice. Acute limb ischemia.

The New England journal of medicine

Creager MA, Kaufman JA, Conte MS

Risk factors for clinical failure after stent graft treatment for femoropopliteal occlusive disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Johnston PC, Vartanian SM, Runge SJ, Hiramoto JS, Eichler CM, Owens CD, Schneider DB, Conte MS

Effects of fatty acids on endothelial cells: inflammation and monocyte adhesion.

The Journal of surgical research

Grenon SM, Aguado-Zuniga J, Hatton JP, Owens CD, Conte MS, Hughes-Fulford M

Chemical mediators of inflammation and resolution in post-operative abdominal aortic aneurysm patients.


Pillai PS, Leeson S, Porter TF, Owens CD, Kim JM, Conte MS, Serhan CN, Gelman S

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and peripheral artery disease.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Grenon SM, Hughes-Fulford M, Rapp J, Conte MS

RNA interference-mediated survivin gene knockdown induces growth arrest and reduced migration of vascular smooth muscle cells.

American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology

Nabzdyk CS, Lancero H, Nguyen KP, Salek S, Conte MS

Influence of diabetes and perivascular allogeneic endothelial cell implants on arteriovenous fistula remodeling.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Nugent HM, Gaccione P, Roy-Chaudhury P, Lawson JH

Mineralocorticoid receptor expression in human venous smooth muscle cells: a potential role for aldosterone signaling in vein graft arterialization.

American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology

Bafford R, Sui XX, Park M, Miyahara T, Newfell BG, Jaffe IZ, Romero JR, Adler GK, Williams GH, Khalil RA, Conte MS

Assessing drug elution technologies in the superficial femoral artery.

Panminerva medica

Owens CD, Gasper WJ, Conte MS

Validation of the Society for Vascular Surgery's objective performance goals for critical limb ischemia in everyday vascular surgery practice.

Journal of vascular surgery

Goodney PP, Schanzer A, Demartino RR, Nolan BW, Hevelone ND, Conte MS, Powell RJ, Cronenwett JL, Vascular Study Group of New England

Analysis of variables predictive of severity in biliary peritonitis.

Il Giornale di chirurgia

Gabriele R, Conte M, Bellini A, Borghese M

Endothelial function predicts positive arterial-venous fistula remodeling in subjects with stage IV and V chronic kidney disease.

The journal of vascular access

Owens CD, Wake N, Kim JM, Hentschel D, Conte MS, Schanzer A

Aspirin-triggered lipoxin and resolvin E1 modulate vascular smooth muscle phenotype and correlate with peripheral atherosclerosis.

The American journal of pathology

Ho KJ, Spite M, Owens CD, Lancero H, Kroemer AH, Pande R, Creager MA, Serhan CN, Conte MS

Shifting from open surgical cut down to ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in children: learning curve and related complications.

Pediatric surgery international

Avanzini S, Guida E, Conte M, Faranda F, Buffa P, Granata C, Castagnola E, Fratino G, Mameli L, Michelazzi A, Pini-Prato A, Mattioli G, Molinari AC, Lanino E, Jasonni V

Critical limb ischemia.

Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine

Schanzer A, Conte MS

Multi-contrast high spatial resolution black blood inner volume three-dimensional fast spin echo MR imaging in peripheral vein bypass grafts.

The international journal of cardiovascular imaging

Rybicki FJ, Mitsouras D, Owens CD, Whitmore A, Gerhard-Herman M, Wake N, Cai T, Zhou Q, Conte MS, Creager MA, Mulkern RV

Surgical revascularization. Introduction.

Seminars in vascular surgery

Conte MS, Belkin M

Suggested objective performance goals and clinical trial design for evaluating catheter-based treatment of critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Geraghty PJ, Bradbury AW, Hevelone ND, Lipsitz SR, Moneta GL, Nehler MR, Powell RJ, Sidawy AN

In vivo differentiation of two vessel wall layers in lower extremity peripheral vein bypass grafts: application of high-resolution inner-volume black blood 3D FSE.

Magnetic resonance in medicine

Mitsouras D, Owens CD, Conte MS, Ersoy H, Creager MA, Rybicki FJ, Mulkern RV

In vivo human lower extremity saphenous vein bypass grafts manifest flow mediated vasodilation.

Journal of vascular surgery

Owens CD, Wake N, Conte MS, Gerhard-Herman M, Beckman JA

Under-representation of women and ethnic minorities in vascular surgery randomized controlled trials.

Journal of vascular surgery

Hoel AW, Kayssi A, Brahmanandam S, Belkin M, Conte MS, Nguyen LL

Validation of the PIII CLI risk score for the prediction of amputation-free survival in patients undergoing infrainguinal autogenous vein bypass for critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Schanzer A, Goodney PP, Li Y, Eslami M, Cronenwett J, Messina L, Conte MS, Vascular Study Group of Northern New England

Inferior outcomes of autogenous infrainguinal bypass in Hispanics: an analysis of ethnicity, graft function, and limb salvage.

Journal of vascular surgery

Robinson WP, Owens CD, Nguyen LL, Chong TT, Conte MS, Belkin M

Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease Symposium II: lower-extremity revascularization: state of the art.


Gray BH, Conte MS, Dake MD, Jaff MR, Kandarpa K, Ramee SR, Rundback J, Waksman R, American Heart Association Writing Group 7

Comparison of costs of staged versus simultaneous lower extremity arterial hybrid procedures.

American journal of surgery

Ebaugh JL, Gagnon D, Owens CD, Conte MS, Raffetto JD

C-reactive protein and vein graft disease: evidence for a direct effect on smooth muscle cell phenotype via modulation of PDGF receptor-beta.

American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology

Ho KJ, Owens CD, Longo T, Sui XX, Ifantides C, Conte MS

Early remodeling of lower extremity vein grafts: inflammation influences biomechanical adaptation.

Journal of vascular surgery

Owens CD, Rybicki FJ, Wake N, Schanzer A, Mitsouras D, Gerhard-Herman MD, Conte MS

High-resolution peripheral vein bypass graft wall studies using high sampling efficiency inner volume 3D FSE.

Magnetic resonance in medicine

Mitsouras D, Mulkern RV, Owens CD, Conte MS, Ersoy H, Luu TM, Whitmore AG, Creager MA, Rybicki FJ

Clinical results of carotid artery stenting compared with carotid endarterectomy.

Journal of vascular surgery

Brahmanandam S, Ding EL, Conte MS, Belkin M, Nguyen LL

Lower extremity vein graft failure: a translational approach.

Vascular medicine (London, England)

Owens CD, Ho KJ, Conte MS

Technical factors affecting autogenous vein graft failure: observations from a large multicenter trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Schanzer A, Hevelone N, Owens CD, Belkin M, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Moneta GL, Conte MS

Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell growth by survivin.


Hoel AW, Wang GJ, Simosa HF, Conte MS

Surgical and endovascular revision of infrainguinal vein bypass grafts: analysis of midterm outcomes from the PREVENT III trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Berceli SA, Hevelone ND, Lipsitz SR, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Moneta GL, Conte MS

Molecular engineering of vein bypass grafts.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS

Restenosis after carotid endarterectomy performed with routine intraoperative duplex ultrasonography and arterial patch closure: a contemporary series.

Vascular and endovascular surgery

Schanzer A, Hoel A, Owens CD, Wake N, Nguyen LL, Conte MS, Belkin M

Screening for cardiovascular risk factors in a dental setting.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Greenberg BL, Glick M, Goodchild J, Duda PW, Conte NR, Conte M

Refinement of survival prediction in patients undergoing lower extremity bypass surgery: stratification by chronic kidney disease classification.

Journal of vascular surgery

Owens CD, Ho KJ, Kim S, Schanzer A, Lin J, Matros E, Belkin M, Conte MS

Elevated C-reactive protein levels are associated with postoperative events in patients undergoing lower extremity vein bypass surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery

Owens CD, Ridker PM, Belkin M, Hamdan AD, Pomposelli F, Logerfo F, Creager MA, Conte MS

Prospective multicenter study of quality of life before and after lower extremity vein bypass in 1404 patients with critical limb ischemia.

Journal of vascular surgery

Nguyen LL, Moneta GL, Conte MS, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Seely BL, PREVENT III Investigators

Resource utilization in the treatment of critical limb ischemia: The effect of tissue loss, comorbidities, and graft-related events.

Journal of vascular surgery

Nguyen LL, Lipsitz SR, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Moneta GL, Belkin M, Conte MS

Retroperitoneoscopic lumbar sympathectomy for nonreconstructable arterial occlusive disease.

Minerva chirurgica

Della Giovampaola C, Conte M, Caldarelli C, Zampieri F, Battaglia N, Spisni R, Parente B, Caldarelli G

Early biomechanical changes in lower extremity vein grafts--distinct temporal phases of remodeling and wall stiffness.

Journal of vascular surgery

Owens CD, Wake N, Jacot JG, Gerhard-Herman M, Gaccione P, Belkin M, Creager MA, Conte MS

Survivin regulation of vascular injury.

Trends in cardiovascular medicine

Conte MS, Altieri DC

Results of PREVENT III: a multicenter, randomized trial of edifoligide for the prevention of vein graft failure in lower extremity bypass surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Moneta GL, Seely L, Lorenz TJ, Namini H, Hamdan AD, Roddy SP, Belkin M, Berceli SA, DeMasi RJ, Samson RH, Berman SS, PREVENT III Investigators

Lower-extremity arterial disease.

Perspectives in vascular surgery and endovascular therapy

Cunningham LD, Conte MS

Comparative analysis of autogenous infrainguinal bypass grafts in African Americans and Caucasians: the association of race with graft function and limb salvage.

Journal of vascular surgery

Chew DK, Nguyen LL, Owens CD, Conte MS, Whittemore AD, Gravereaux EC, Menard MT, Belkin M

Risk factors, medical therapies and perioperative events in limb salvage surgery: observations from the PREVENT III multicenter trial.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Moneta GL, Namini H, Seely L

Regulation of vein graft hyperplasia by survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis protein.

Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology

Wang GJ, Sui XX, Simosa HF, Jain MK, Altieri DC, Conte MS

Survivin expression is up-regulated in vascular injury and identifies a distinct cellular phenotype.

Journal of vascular surgery

Simosa HF, Wang G, Sui X, Peterson T, Narra V, Altieri DC, Conte MS

Design and rationale of the PREVENT III clinical trial: edifoligide for the prevention of infrainguinal vein graft failure.

Vascular and endovascular surgery

Conte MS, Lorenz TJ, Bandyk DF, Clowes AW, Moneta GL, Seely BL

Gene therapy for the extension of vein graft patency: a review.

Vascular and endovascular surgery

Chandiwal A, Balasubramanian V, Baldwin ZK, Conte MS, Schwartz LB

Infrainguinal vein bypass graft revision: factors affecting long-term outcome.

Journal of vascular surgery

Nguyen LL, Conte MS, Menard MT, Gravereaux EC, Chew DK, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD, Belkin M

Carotid endarterectomy: who is the high-risk patient?

Seminars in vascular surgery

Nguyen LL, Conte MS, Reed AB, Belkin M

Statin therapy is associated with improved patency of autogenous infrainguinal bypass grafts.

Journal of vascular surgery

Abbruzzese TA, Havens J, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD, Liao JK, Conte MS

Thoracovisceral segment aneurysm repair after previous infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.

Journal of vascular surgery

Menard MT, Nguyen LL, Chan RK, Conte MS, Fahy L, Chew DK, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Belkin M

Early adaptation of human lower extremity vein grafts: wall stiffness changes accompany geometric remodeling.

Journal of vascular surgery

Jacot JG, Abdullah I, Belkin M, Gerhard-Herman M, Gaccione P, Polak JF, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD, Conte MS

Primer extension assay for prion protein genotype determination in sheep.

Molecular and cellular probes

Vaccari G, Conte M, Morelli L, Di Guardo G, Petraroli R, Agrimi U

Animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and genetics.

Veterinary research communications

Agrimi U, Conte M, Morelli L, Di Bari MA, Di Guardo G, Ligios C, Antonucci G, Aufiero GM, Pozzato N, Mutinelli F, Nonno R, Vaccari G

Preoperative risk factors for carotid endarterectomy: defining the patient at high risk.

Journal of vascular surgery

Reed AB, Gaccione P, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Conte MS

The impact of patient age and aortic size on the results of aortobifemoral bypass grafting.

Journal of vascular surgery

Reed AB, Conte MS, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Belkin M

Outcome in patients at high risk after open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Journal of vascular surgery

Menard MT, Chew DK, Chan RK, Conte MS, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Belkin M

Transcription factor decoys for the prevention of vein bypass graft failure.

American journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventions

Mann MJ, Conte MS

Intensive sequential dose dense chemotherapy with stem cell support as first-line treatment in advanced ovarian carcinoma: a phase II study.

Bone marrow transplantation

Viret F, Bertucci F, Genre D, Gravis G, Chabannon C, Conte M, Houvenaeghel G, Maraninchi D, Viens P

Genetic interventions for vein bypass graft disease: a review.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Mann MJ, Simosa HF, Rhynhart KK, Mulligan RC

Transaortic endarterectomy for primary mesenteric revascularization.

Vascular and endovascular surgery

Lau H, Chew DK, Whittemore AD, Belkin M, Conte MS, Donaldson MC

Inhibitor of apoptosis protein survivin regulates vascular injury.

Nature medicine

Blanc-Brude OP, Yu J, Simosa H, Conte MS, Sessa WC, Altieri DC

Bypass in the absence of ipsilateral greater saphenous vein: safety and superiority of the contralateral greater saphenous vein.

Journal of vascular surgery

Chew DK, Owens CD, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD, Mannick JA, Conte MS

Initial experience with minimally invasive in situ bypass procedure with blind valvulotomy.

Journal of vascular surgery

Gangadharan SP, Reed AB, Chew DK, Conte MS, Belkin M, Whittemore AD, Donaldson MC

Inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell migration by cytochrome p450 epoxygenase-derived eicosanoids.

Circulation research

Sun J, Sui X, Bradbury JA, Zeldin DC, Conte MS, Liao JK

Endothelial cell seeding influences lesion development following arterial injury in the cholesterol-fed rabbit.

Cardiovascular research

Conte MS, VanMeter GA, Akst LM, Clemons T, Kashgarian M, Bender JR

Usefulness of autogenous bypass grafts originating distal to the groin.

Journal of vascular surgery

Reed AB, Conte MS, Belkin M, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Donaldson MC

Impact of harmonic scalpel on operative time during video-assisted thyroidectomy.

Surgical endoscopy

Miccoli P, Berti P, Raffaelli M, Materazzi G, Conte M, Galleri D

Monocyte adhesion to human vein grafts: a marker for occult intraoperative injury?

Journal of vascular surgery

Eslami MH, Gangadharan SP, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD, Conte MS

Secondary aortoduodenal fistula.


Lau H, Chew DK, Gembarowicz RM, Makrauer FL, Conte MS

Infrainguinal bypass grafting in patients with end-stage renal disease: improving outcomes?

Journal of vascular surgery

Lantis JC, Conte MS, Belkin M, Whittemore AD, Mannick JA, Donaldson MC

Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy.

American journal of surgery

Miccoli P, Berti P, Raffaelli M, Conte M, Materazzi G, Galleri D

Monocyte adhesion to balloon-injured arteries: the influence of endothelial cell seeding.

Journal of vascular surgery

Gangadharan SP, Eslami MH, Weiss IP, Sui X, Conte MS

Arterial reconstruction for lower limb ischemia.

Acta chirurgica Belgica

Chew DK, Conte MS, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD

Impact of increasing comorbidity on infrainguinal reconstruction: a 20-year perspective.

Annals of surgery

Conte MS, Belkin M, Upchurch GR, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Donaldson MC

Autogenous composite vein bypass graft for infrainguinal arterial reconstruction.

Journal of vascular surgery

Chew DK, Conte MS, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD, Mannick JA, Belkin M

Minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy: lesson learned from 137 cases.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Miccoli P, Berti P, Conte M, Raffaelli M, Materazzi G

Recombinant growth hormone (GH) therapy in GH-deficient adults: a long-term controlled study on daily versus thrice weekly injections.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Amato G, Mazziotti G, Di Somma C, Lalli E, De Felice G, Conte M, Rotondi M, Pietrosante M, Lombardi G, Bellastella A, Carella C, Colao A

Gene delivery to in situ veins: differential effects of adenovirus and adeno-associated viral vectors.

Journal of vascular surgery

Eslami MH, Gangadharan SP, Sui X, Rhynhart KK, Snyder RO, Conte MS

Infrainguinal arterial reconstructions with vein grafts in patients with prior aortic procedures: the influence of aneurysm and occlusive disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Upchurch GR, Conte MS, Gerhard-Herman MD, Lanoue MZ, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD, Belkin M

Ex-vivo gene therapy of human vascular bypass grafts with E2F decoy: the PREVENT single-centre, randomised, controlled trial.

Lancet (London, England)

Mann MJ, Whittemore AD, Donaldson MC, Belkin M, Conte MS, Polak JF, Orav EJ, Ehsan A, Dell'Acqua G, Dzau VJ

Improved graft patency and altered remodeling in infrainguinal vein graft reconstruction for aneurysmal versus occlusive disease.

Journal of vascular surgery

Upchurch GR, Gerhard-Herman MD, Sebastian MW, Belkin M, Conte MS, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD

Retroviral gene transfer: effects on endothelial cell phenotype.

The Journal of surgical research

Inaba M, Toninelli E, Vanmeter G, Bender JR, Conte MS

Antiplatelet therapy and patency of saphenous-vein bypass grafts in the legs.

The New England journal of medicine

Conte MS, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Whittemore AD

The ideal small arterial substitute: a search for the Holy Grail?

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Conte MS

[Intensive chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation in ovarian cancers: analysis of 67 patients treated at the Paoli-Calmettes Institute and a review of the literature].

Bulletin du cancer

Viens P, Bertucci F, Gravis G, Camerlo J, Cowen D, Delpero JR, Conte M, Jacquemier J, Faucher C, Blaise D, Bardou VJ, Chabannon C, Blanc AP, Jaubert D, Maraninchi D

Effect of renal insufficiency on outcome following infrarenal aortic surgery.

American journal of surgery

Powell RJ, Roddy SP, Meier GH, Gusberg RJ, Conte MS, Sumpio BE

The impact of gender on the results of arterial bypass with in situ greater saphenous vein.

American journal of surgery

Belkin M, Conte MS, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD

Femorotibial bypass for claudication: do results justify an aggressive approach?

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Belkin M, Donaldson MC, Baum P, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD

Endothelial cell seeding fails to attenuate intimal thickening in balloon-injured rabbit arteries.

Journal of vascular surgery

Conte MS, Choudhury RP, Shirakowa M, Fallon JT, Birinyi LK, Choudhry RP, Choudury RP

Preferred strategies for secondary infrainguinal bypass: lessons learned from 300 consecutive reoperations.

Journal of vascular surgery

Belkin M, Conte MS, Donaldson MC, Mannick JA, Whittemore AD

Efficient repopulation of denuded rabbit arteries with autologous genetically modified endothelial cells.


Conte MS, Birinyi LK, Miyata T, Fallon JT, Gold HK, Whittemore AD, Mulligan RC

Percutaneous ultrasound-guided drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses.

The British journal of surgery

Goletti O, Lippolis PV, Chiarugi M, Ghiselli G, De Negri F, Conte M, Ceragioli T, Cavina E

Repopulation of injured arteries with genetically modified endothelial cells.

Journal of vascular surgery

Berinyi LK, Conte MS, Mulligan RC

Delayed exposure to pulsatile shear stress improves retention of human saphenous vein endothelial cells on seeded ePTFE grafts.

The Journal of surgical research

Miyata T, Conte MS, Trudell LA, Mason D, Whittemore AD, Birinyi LK

[Intraparietal hematomas of the small intestine during anticoagulant treatment].

La semaine des hopitaux : organe fonde par l'Association d'enseignement medical des hopitaux de Paris

Lichtenstein H, Capelle P, Bognel HC, Conte M

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