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Pamela Ling, MD, MPH

530 Parnassus Avenue, Rm 370
UCSF Box 0320
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States
+1 415 353-7900

Pamela Ling is internationally known for research in tobacco related to tobacco marketing, tobacco industry strategies targeting youth and young adults, marketing of novel tobacco products, and novel interventions to prevent smoking and promote smoking cessation among priority populations. She is Director of the UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, and she is an experienced transdisciplinary mentor for early career researchers from a variety of fields. Her clinical practice is in general internal medicine.

Research Interests: 
Tobacco marketing strategies and use behavior among young people

M37 Real-Time Predictors of Cannabis Use Among Young Adults: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Timothy Regan, Janardan Devkota, Julia McQuoid, Kekoa Lopez-Paguyo, Nhung Nguyen, Meredith Meacham, Pamela Ling, Johannes Thrul

Vaping nicotine and cannabis on the same occasion is linked to increased vaping consumption among young adults: A smartphone-based daily diary study.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Nguyen N, Keyhani S, Marcus GM, Do VV, Halliday DM, Herbst ED, Ling PM

Marketing strategies in business-to-business advertisements for oral nicotine products.

Tobacco control

Sharma A, Belton A, Ozga JE, Ling P, Hrywna M, Cornacchione Ross J, Ganz O, Bold KW, Stanton C

Quitting smoking with…smoke? Unauthorized claims used by herbal cigarette manufacturers.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Seidenberg AB, Donovan E, Azadi M, Goyette R, Ling PM

Cannabis legalization and changes in cannabis and tobacco/nicotine use and co-use in a national cohort of U.S. adults during 2017-2021.

The International journal on drug policy

Pravosud V, Glantz S, Keyhani S, Ling PM, Lempert LK, Hoggatt KJ, Hasin D, Nguyen N, Graham FJL, Cohen BE

Changes in Sources of Information about the Risks and Benefits of Cannabis in a National Cohort of US Adults from 2017 - 2021.

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs

Graham FJL, Keyhani S, Ling P, Pravosud V, Nguyen N, Hasin D, Cohen BE

A Practical Guide to Smoking Cessation.

The American journal of medicine

Ling PM, Goetzl EJ

Affiliate marketing for nicotine products: Juice Head 'Share a Sale' programme and its implications.

Tobacco control

Rastogi K, Czaplicki L, Spindle TR, Moran MB, Ozga JE, Stanton CA, Lyu JC, Ling PM

Situations and roles of cannabis versus cigarette use: Integrating ecological momentary assessment with qualitative mapping interviews.

Health & place

McQuoid J, Regan T, Devkota J, Cheney MK, Kumar V, Oehlers J, Lopez-Paguyo K, Nguyen N, Meacham MC, Ling PM, Thrul J

Racial/ethnic disparities in exposure to e-cigarette advertising among U.S. youth.

Public health

Do VV, Spears CA, Ling PM, Eriksen MP, Weaver SR, Pechacek TF, Nyman AL, Emery SL, Berg CJ, Huang J

Oral nicotine product marketing expenditures in the USA from 2016 to 2023: trends over time by brand and targeted media outlets.

Tobacco control

Ozga JE, Cornacchione Ross J, Hrywna M, Sharma A, Ling PM, Stanton CA

Factors Associated With Abstinence Among Young Adult Smokers Enrolled in a Real-world Social Media Smoking Cessation Program.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Lyu JC, Meacham MC, Nguyen N, Ramo D, Ling PM

Pharmaceuticalisation as the tobacco industry's endgame.

BMJ global health

Hendlin YH, Han EL, Ling PM

Influence of Disclosed and Undisclosed Funding Sources in Tobacco Harm Reduction Discourse: A Social Network Analysis.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Vassey J, Hendlin YH, Vora M, Ling P

Associations between tobacco and cannabis use and anxiety and depression among adults in the United States: Findings from the COVID-19 citizen science study.

PloS one

Nguyen N, Peyser ND, Olgin JE, Pletcher MJ, Beatty AL, Modrow MF, Carton TW, Khatib R, Djibo DA, Ling PM, Marcus GM

Perceptions of Safety of Daily Cannabis vs Tobacco Smoking and Secondhand Smoke Exposure, 2017-2021.

JAMA network open

Chambers J, Keyhani S, Ling PM, Hoggatt KJ, Hasin D, Nguyen N, Woods A, Ryder A, Cohen BE

Impact of a Multidisciplinary Curriculum Training Students and Residents in Tobacco Cessation Strategies for Adult Caregivers of Children.

MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources

Gribben V, Chang AY, Ling P, Rasmussen J, Tebb K, Fuentes-Afflick E, Marbin J

Young Adult Responses to Peer Crowd-Based Targeting in E-cigarette Advertisements: An Experimental Study.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Kim M, Neilands TB, Gregorich SE, Jordan JW, Ling PM

Flavored Cannabis Use and Cannabis-Tobacco Co-use: Patterns In U.S. States With Legalized Nonmedical Adult Use.

American journal of preventive medicine

Watkins SL, Thompson J, Feld AL, Ling PM, Lee YO

Impacts of Tax and Flavor Tobacco Policies on San Francisco Bay Area Tobacco Prices.

Evaluation review

Pravosud V, Holmes LM, Lempert LK, Ling PM

Smoking Cessation, Version 3.2022, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology.

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN

Shields PG, Bierut L, Arenberg D, Balis D, Cinciripini PM, Davis J, Edmondson D, Feliciano J, Hitsman B, Hudmon KS, Jaklitsch MT, Leone FT, Ling P, McCarthy DE, Ong MK, Park ER, Prochaska J, Sandoval AJ, Sheffer CE, Spencer S, Studts JL, Tanvetyanon T, Tindle HA, Tong E, Triplette M, Urbanic J, Videtic G, Warner D, Whitlock CW, McCullough B, Darlow S

Tobacco product use and the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19: current understanding and recommendations for future research.

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Benowitz NL, Goniewicz ML, Halpern-Felsher B, Krishnan-Sarin S, Ling PM, O'Connor RJ, Pentz MA, Robertson RM, Bhatnagar A

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive: A Living Digital Repository.

American journal of public health

Caleb Alexander G, Mix LA, Choudhury S, Taketa R, Tomori C, Mooghali M, Fan A, Mars S, Ciccarone D, Patton M, Apollonio DE, Schmidt L, Steinman MA, Greene J, Ling PM, Seymour AK, Glantz S, Tasker K

A Systematic Review of E-Cigarette Marketing Communication: Messages, Communication Channels, and Strategies.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Lyu JC, Huang P, Jiang N, Ling PM

Characterizing Participant Perceptions about Smoking-Cessation Pharmacotherapy and E-Cigarettes from Facebook Smoking-Cessation Support Groups.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Lee A, Chang AA, Lyu JC, Ling PM, Hsia SL

"The Perfect Formula:" Evaluating Health Claims, Products and Pricing on Cannabis Dispensary Websites in Two Recently Legalized States.

Substance use & misuse

Hoeper S, Crosbie E, Holmes LM, Godoy L, DeFrank V, Hoang C, Ling PM

Flavored Tobacco Product Use Among Young Adults by Race and Ethnicity: Evidence From the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Watkins SL, Pieper F, Chaffee BW, Yerger VB, Ling PM, Max W

A Mixed-Methods Study on Use of Different Tobacco Products among Younger and Older Adults with Lower and Higher Levels of Nicotine Exposure in California in 2019-2020.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Harvanko A, Koester KA, Helen GS, Olson S, Kim HC, Ling PM

Self-reported Changes in Cannabis Use Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic among US Adults.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Nguyen N, Keyhani S, Ling PM, Hoggatt KJ, Hasin D, Cohen BE

From Cancer Epidemiology to Policy and Practice: the Role of a Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Current epidemiology reports

Hiatt RA, Sibley A, Venkatesh B, Cheng J, Dixit N, Fox R, Ling P, Nguyen T, Oh D, Palmer NR, Pasick RJ, Potter MB, Somsouk M, Vargas RA, Vijayaraghavan M, Ashworth A

Flavored Tobacco Sales Restrictions Reduce Tobacco Product Availability and Retailer Advertising.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Holmes LM, Lempert LK, Ling PM

Balancing Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes in the Real World.

American journal of public health

Cohen JE, Krishnan-Sarin S, Eissenberg T, Gould TJ, Berman ML, Bhatnagar A, Barnett TE, Soule E, Popova L, Tan ASL, Blank MD, Ling PM, O'Connor R

Cannabis dispensary online marketing practices in response to COVID-19 lockdowns.

Substance abuse

Ling PM, Crosbie E, Holmes LM, Hoang C, Hoeper S

Piloting a spatial mixed method for understanding neighborhood tobacco use disparities.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Holmes LM, McQuoid J, Shah A, Cruz T, Akom A, Ling PM

Exploring multiple drug use by integrating mobile health and qualitative mapping methods - An individual case study.

The International journal on drug policy

McQuoid J, Thrul J, Lopez-Paguyo K, Ling PM

Purposeful play: exploring a bar-based, anti-tobacco intervention for young adults.

Drugs Education Prevention and Policy

Julia McQuoid, Helen Keane, Pamela M. Ling

Assessing Young Adults' ENDS Use via Ecological Momentary Assessment and a Smart Bluetooth Enabled ENDS Device.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Li Z, Benowitz-Fredericks C, Ling PM, Cohen JE, Thrul J

Under the influence.

Tobacco control

Maddox R, Ling PM, Hardy BJ, Daube M

A mixed-methods study to inform the clarity and accuracy of cannabis-use and cannabis-tobacco co-use survey measures.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Watkins SL, Karliner-Li P, Lee YO, Koester KA, Ling PM

Local variation in cannabis use patterns among young adults in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology

Holmes LM, Thrul J, Warren NK, Ling PM

Analysis of on-pack messages for e-liquids: a discrete choice study.

Tobacco control

Hoek J, Gendall P, Eckert C, Louviere J, Ling P, Popova L

Perceived reward from using cigarettes with alcohol or cannabis and concurrent use: A smartphone-based daily diary study.

Addictive behaviors

Thrul J, Gubner NR, Nguyen N, Nguyen C, Goodell EA, Holmes LM, Vandrey RG, Ling PM

Unboxed: US Young Adult Tobacco Users' Responses to a New Heated Tobacco Product.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Kim M, Watkins SL, Koester KA, Mock J, Kim HC, Olson S, Harvanko AM, Ling PM

Using Peer Crowd Affiliation to Address Dual Use of Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes among San Francisco Bay Area Young Adults: A Cross Sectional Study.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Nguyen N, Holmes LM, Kim M, Ling PM

Sponsorship Disclosures and Perceptions of E-cigarette Instagram Posts.

Tobacco regulatory science

Vogel EA, Guillory J, Ling PM

Real-World Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Strategies for Young and Older Adults: Findings From a Nationally Representative Cohort.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Watkins SL, Thrul J, Max W, Ling PM

Same-day use of cigarettes, alcohol, and cannabis among sexual minority and heterosexual young adult smokers.

Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors

Nguyen N, McQuoid J, Neilands TB, Dermody SS, Holmes LM, Ling PM, Thrul J

Cognitive performance effects of nicotine and industry affiliation: a systematic review.

Substance abuse : research and treatment

Pasetes SV, Ling PM, Apollonio DE

Cold Turkey and Hot Vapes? A National Study of Young Adult Cigarette Cessation Strategies.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Watkins SL, Thrul J, Max W, Ling PM

Compliance with San Francisco's flavoured tobacco sales prohibition.

Tobacco control

Vyas P, Ling P, Gordon B, Callewaert J, Dang A, Smith D, Chan B, Glantz S

Drifting Tobacco Smoke Exposure among Young Adults in Multiunit Housing.

Journal of community health

Holmes LM, Llamas JD, Smith D, Ling PM

Join the Commune: A Controlled Study of Social Branding Influencers to Decrease Smoking Among Young Adult Hipsters.

American journal of health promotion : AJHP

Ling PM, Lisha NE, Neilands TB, Jordan JW

Smokeless tobacco industry's brand stretching in India.

Tobacco control

Yadav A, Ling P, Glantz S

Tobacco Retail Density and Initiation of Alternative Tobacco Product Use Among Teens.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Abdel Magid HS, Halpern-Felsher B, Ling PM, Bradshaw PT, Mujahid MS, Henriksen L

Examining the role of a retail density ordinance in reducing concentration of tobacco retailers.

Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology

Vyas P, Sturrock H, Ling PM

An Exploration of Smoking-to-Vaping Transition Attempts Using a "Smart" Electronic Nicotine Delivery System.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Blank ML, Hoek J, George M, Gendall P, Conner TS, Thrul J, Ling PM, Langlotz T

Smoking Social Norms Among Young Adults in New York City.

Journal of community health

Debchoudhury I, Ling P, Sacks R, Farley SM

The META-Oak Project: Using Photovoice to Investigate Youth Perspectives on Tobacco Companies’ Marketing of E-Cigarettes Toward Adolescents in Oakland.


Alison Chopel, R. Eugene Lee, Elizabeth Ortiz-Matute, Namiyé Peoples, Kim Homer Vagadori, Andrew Curtis, Pamela M. Ling

Financial Conflicts of Interest and Stance on Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Systematic Review.

American journal of public health

Hendlin YH, Vora M, Elias J, Ling PM

Youth's Perceptions of E-cigarette Advertisements with Cessation Claims.

Tobacco regulatory science

Kim M, Ling PM, Ramamurthi D, Halpern-Felsher B

Differential Associations Between Anti-Tobacco Industry Attitudes and Intention to Quit Smoking Across Young Adult Peer Crowds.

American journal of health promotion : AJHP

Nguyen N, Lisha NE, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Ling PM

33. Tobacco Retail Environment And Alternative Tobacco Product Use Among Teens.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Hoda Samir Abdel Magid, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Patrick Bradshaw, Pamela Ling, Lisa Henriksen

A Practice Theory Approach to Understanding Poly-Tobacco Use in the United States.

Critical public health

McQuoid J, Keamy-Minor E, Ling P

Heated tobacco products likely appeal to adolescents and young adults.

Tobacco control

McKelvey K, Popova L, Kim M, Chaffee BW, Vijayaraghavan M, Ling P, Halpern-Felsher B

A qualitative exploration of information-seeking by electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) users in New Zealand.

BMJ open

Robertson L, Hoek J, Blank ML, Richards R, Ling P, Popova L, McMillan L

Revolution or redux? Assessing IQOS through a precursor product.

Tobacco control

Elias J, Dutra LM, St Helen G, Ling PM

Latent Class Analysis to Examine Patterns of Smoking and Other Tobacco Products in Young Adult Bar Patrons.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Lisha NE, Thrul J, Ling PM

Real-time predictors of smoking among sexual minority and heterosexual young adults: An ecological momentary assessment study.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Nguyen N, McQuoid J, Ramo D, Holmes LM, Ling PM, Thrul J

IQOS labelling will mislead consumers.

Tobacco control

McKelvey K, Popova L, Kim M, Lempert LK, Chaffee BW, Vijayaraghavan M, Ling P, Halpern-Felsher B

A randomized controlled evaluation of the tobacco status project, a Facebook intervention for young adults.

Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Ramo DE, Thrul J, Delucchi KL, Hall S, Ling PM, Belohlavek A, Prochaska JJ

Voluntary Smoke-Free Measures Among Oklahoma Nightlife Owners: Barriers and Facilitators.

Health promotion practice

Benowitz-Fredericks C, McQuoid J, Sheon N, Olson S, Ling PM

Assessing the tobacco harm reduction (THR) debate: a systematic review.

Tobacco induced diseases

Yogi Hendlin, Manali Vora, Jesse Elias, Carson Benowitz-Fredericks, Pamela Ling

New approach to decrease smoking among young adult bar patrons.

Tobacco induced diseases

Pamela Ling, Nadra Lisha, Tor Neilands, Jeff Jordan

Dual use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and smoked tobacco: a qualitative analysis.

Tobacco control

Robertson L, Hoek J, Blank ML, Richards R, Ling P, Popova L

Effects of e-Cigarette Advertisements on Adolescents' Perceptions of Cigarettes.

Health communication

Kim M, Popova L, Halpern-Felsher B, Ling PM

Taking Stock of Tobacco Control Program and Policy Science and Impact in the United States.

Journal of addictive behaviors and therapy

Farrelly MC, Chaloupka FJ, Berg CJ, Emery SL, Henriksen L, Ling P, Leischow SJ, Luke DA, Kegler MC, Zhu SH, Ginexi EM

Bars, Nightclubs, and Cancer Prevention: New Approaches to Reduce Young Adult Cigarette Smoking.

American journal of preventive medicine

Ling PM, Holmes LM, Jordan JW, Lisha NE, Bibbins-Domingo K

Origins of Cancer Disparities in Young Adults: Logic Models to Guide Research.

American journal of preventive medicine

Hiatt RA, Handley MA, Ling PM, Burchard E, Thakur N, Bibbins-Domingo K

Reducing Cancer and Cancer Disparities: Lessons From a Youth-Generated Diabetes Prevention Campaign.

American journal of preventive medicine

Schillinger D, Ling PM, Fine S, Boyer CB, Rogers E, Vargas RA, Bibbins-Domingo K, Chou WS

The Pharmaceuticalization of the Tobacco Industry.

Annals of internal medicine

Hendlin YH, Elias J, Ling PM

Psychometric evaluation of an abbreviated version of the intragroup marginalization inventory.

Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse

Llamas J, Holmes LM, Lisha NE, Ling PM

Perceived harms and benefits of tobacco, marijuana, and electronic vaporizers among young adults in Colorado: implications for health education and research.

Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Popova L, McDonald EA, Sidhu S, Barry R, Richers Maruyama TA, Sheon NM, Ling PM

Other Tobacco Product Use Among Sexual Minority Young Adult Bar Patrons.

American journal of preventive medicine

Fallin-Bennett A, Lisha NE, Ling PM

Smoke-Free Laws and Hazardous Drinking: A Cross-Sectional Study among U.S. Adults.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Jiang N, Gonzalez M, Ling PM, Young-Wolff KC, Glantz SA

Don't throw smokeless tobacco users under the bus.

Addictive behaviors

Elias J, Hendlin Y, Chaffee BW, Ling PM

The tobacco status project: Three month outcomes for a randomized controlled trial of a Facebook smoking cessation intervention for young adults.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Danielle Ramo, Johannes Thrul, Kevin Delucchi, S.M. Hall, P. Ling, A. Belohlavek, Shirley Zhao, Beomyun Han, J. Prochaska

Do Emotions Spark Interest in Alternative Tobacco Products?

Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education

Popova L, So J, Sangalang A, Neilands TB, Ling PM

Motivations for E-Cigarette Use Among Young Adults: An Abstract.

Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics

Janet Hoek, Pamela Ling

Kostygina et al. Respond.

American journal of public health

Kostygina G, England L, Ling PM

Adolescents' attitudes towards e-cigarette ingredients, safety, addictive properties, social norms, and regulation.

Preventive medicine

Gorukanti A, Delucchi K, Ling P, Fisher-Travis R, Halpern-Felsher B

A Pilot Study of Retail 'Vape Shops' in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tobacco prevention & cessation

Burbank AD, Thrul J, Ling PM

Tobacco Marketing Receptivity and Other Tobacco Product Use Among Young Adult Bar Patrons.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Thrul J, Lisha NE, Ling PM

Evaluation of Bar and Nightclub Intervention to Decrease Young Adult Smoking in New Mexico.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Kalkhoran S, Lisha NE, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Ling PM

Phantom smoking among young adult bar patrons.

Tobacco control

Guillory J, Lisha N, Lee YO, Ling PM

The Social Prioritization Index and Tobacco Use Among Young Adult Bar Patrons.

Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education

Lisha NE, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Holmes LM, Ling PM

Multiple tobacco product use among young adult bar patrons in New Mexico.

Preventive medicine

Kalkhoran S, Padilla JL, Neilands TB, Ling PM

Testing antismoking messages for Air Force trainees.

Tobacco control

Popova L, Linde BD, Bursac Z, Talcott GW, Modayil MV, Little MA, Ling PM, Glantz SA, Klesges RC

Social Branding to Decrease Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Young Adult Smoking.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Fallin A, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Ling PM

Loose Cigarette Purchasing and Nondaily Smoking Among Young Adult Bar Patrons in New York City.

American journal of public health

Guillory J, Johns M, Farley SM, Ling PM

Dual use of smokeless tobacco or e-cigarettes with cigarettes and cessation.

American journal of health behavior

Kalkhoran S, Grana RA, Neilands TB, Ling PM

Wreaking "havoc" on smoking: social branding to reach young adult "partiers" in Oklahoma.

American journal of preventive medicine

Fallin A, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Hong JS, Ling PM

Prevalence and Correlates of Social Smoking in Young Adults: Comparisons of Behavioral and Self-Identified Definitions.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Lisha NE, Delucchi KL, Ling PM, Ramo DE

A content analysis of electronic cigarette manufacturer websites in China.

Tobacco control

Yao T, Jiang N, Grana R, Ling PM, Glantz SA

Electronic cigarettes. Cardiology patient page.


Grana RA, Ling PM, Benowitz N, Glantz S

A longitudinal analysis of electronic cigarette use and smoking cessation.

JAMA internal medicine

Grana RA, Popova L, Ling PM

Smokeless Tobacco Risk Comparison and Other Debate Messages in the News.

Health behavior and policy review

Wackowski OA, Lewis MJ, Delnevo CD, Ling PM

Dual tobacco user subtypes in the U.S. Air Force: dependence, attitudes, and other correlates of use.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Kram Y, Klesges RC, Ebbert JO, Talcott W, Neilands TB, Ling PM

"Smoking revolution": a content analysis of electronic cigarette retail websites.

American journal of preventive medicine

Grana RA, Ling PM

Social branding to decrease smoking among young adults in bars.

American journal of public health

Ling PM, Lee YO, Hong J, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Glantz SA

Tobacco industry marketing to low socioeconomic status women in the U.S.A.

Tobacco control

Brown-Johnson CG, England LJ, Glantz SA, Ling PM

A qualitative study of smokers' responses to messages discouraging dual tobacco product use.

Health education research

Popova L, Kostygina G, Sheon NM, Ling PM

Understanding tobacco-related attitudes among college and noncollege young adult hookah and cigarette users.

Journal of American college health : J of ACH

Lee YO, Bahreinifar S, Ling PM

Secondhand smoke exposure among young adult sexual minority bar and nightclub patrons.

American journal of public health

Fallin A, Neilands TB, Jordan JW, Ling PM

Perceptions of relative risk of snus and cigarettes among US smokers.

American journal of public health

Popova L, Ling PM

Secondhand smoke exposure and smoking behavior among young adult bar patrons.

American journal of public health

Kalkhoran S, Neilands TB, Ling PM

Using peer crowds to segment Black youth for smoking intervention.

Health promotion practice

Lee YO, Jordan JW, Djakaria M, Ling PM

Alternative tobacco product use and smoking cessation: a national study.

American journal of public health

Popova L, Ling PM

A content analysis of smokeless tobacco coverage in U.S. newspapers and news wires.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Wackowski OA, Lewis MJ, Delnevo CD, Ling PM

Extending the health benefits of clean indoor air policies.

Archives of internal medicine

Kalkhoran S, Ling PM

Examining market trends in the United States smokeless tobacco use: 2005-2011.

Tobacco control

Delnevo CD, Wackowski OA, Giovenco DP, Manderski MT, Hrywna M, Ling PM

Smoking frequency among current college student smokers: distinguishing characteristics and factors related to readiness to quit smoking.

Health education research

Berg CJ, Ling PM, Hayes RB, Berg E, Nollen N, Nehl E, Choi WS, Ahluwalia JS

Social and cultural influences on tobacco-related health disparities among South Asians in the USA.

Tobacco control

Mukherjea A, Morgan PA, Snowden LR, Ling PM, Ivey SL

Electronic nicotine delivery systems in the hands of Hollywood.

Tobacco control

Grana RA, Glantz SA, Ling PM

Misleading conclusions from Altria researchers about population health effects of dual use.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Glantz SA, Ling PM

Using Market Research to Characterize College Students and Identify Potential Targets for Influencing Health Behaviors.

Social marketing quarterly

Berg CJ, Ling PM, Guo H, Windle M, Thomas JL, Ahluwalia JS, An LC

Health effects of light and intermittent smoking: a review.


Schane RE, Ling PM, Glantz SA

Branding the rodeo: a case study of tobacco sports sponsorship.

American journal of public health

Ling PM, Haber LA, Wedl S

Nondaily and social smoking: an increasingly prevalent pattern.

Archives of internal medicine

Schane RE, Glantz SA, Ling PM

Social smoking implications for public health, clinical practice, and intervention research.

American journal of preventive medicine

Schane RE, Glantz SA, Ling PM

Tobacco industry lifestyle magazines targeted to young adults.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Cortese DK, Lewis MJ, Ling PM

Young adult smoking behavior: a national survey.

American journal of preventive medicine

Ling PM, Neilands TB, Glantz SA

Meanings & motives. Experts debating tobacco addiction.

American journal of public health

Mars SG, Ling PM

How tobacco protects you against the flu.

Tobacco control

Schneider NK, Ling PM

Tobacco industry targeting youth in Argentina.

Tobacco control

Braun S, Mejia R, Ling PM, PĂ©rez-Stable EJ

A common pathway toward women's health.

Global public health

Chibber KS, Kaplan RL, Padian NS, Anderson SJ, Ling PM, Acharya N, Van Dyke C, Krishnan S

Smoking in movies and increased smoking among young adults.

American journal of preventive medicine

Song AV, Ling PM, Neilands TB, Glantz SA

Psychographic segments based on attitudes about smoking and lifestyle among Vietnamese-American adolescents.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ling PM, Neilands TB, Nguyen TT, Kaplan CP

The effect of support for action against the tobacco industry on smoking among young adults.

American journal of public health

Ling PM, Neilands TB, Glantz SA

Emotions for sale: cigarette advertising and women's psychosocial needs.

Tobacco control

Anderson SJ, Glantz SA, Ling PM

Nicotine addiction, young adults, and smoke-free bars.

Drug and alcohol review

Ling PM, Glantz SA

Smooth moves: bar and nightclub tobacco promotions that target young adults.

American journal of public health

Sepe E, Ling PM, Glantz SA

Faculty Type: 
Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education