American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

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Type 2 immune responses in obese individuals with asthma.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Peters MC, Fahy JV

Cell therapy for lung diseases. Report from an NIH-NHLBI workshop, November 13-14, 2012.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Matthay MA, Anversa P, Bhattacharya J, Burnett BK, Chapman HA, Hare JM, Hei DJ, Hoffman AM, Kourembanas S, McKenna DH, Ortiz LA, Ott HC, Tente W, Thébaud B, Trapnell BC, Weiss DJ, Yuan JX, Blaisdell CJ

Reply: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a degenerative disease requiring a regenerative approach.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Glassberg MK, Hare JM, Toonkel RL, Matthay MA

Mesenchymal stem cells and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Potential for clinical testing.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Toonkel RL, Hare JM, Matthay MA, Glassberg MK

Regulation and function of epithelial secreted phospholipase A2 group X in asthma.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Hallstrand TS, Lai Y, Altemeier WA, Appel CL, Johnson B, Frevert CW, Hudkins KL, Bollinger JG, Woodruff PG, Hyde DM, Henderson WR, Gelb MH

Therapeutic effects of human mesenchymal stem cells in ex vivo human lungs injured with live bacteria.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Lee JW, Krasnodembskaya A, McKenna DH, Song Y, Abbott J, Matthay MA

The Berlin definition of ARDS versus pathological evidence of diffuse alveolar damage.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Thompson BT, Matthay MA

Plasma angiopoietin-2 predicts the onset of acute lung injury in critically ill patients.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Agrawal A, Matthay MA, Kangelaris KN, Stein J, Chu JC, Imp BM, Cortez A, Abbott J, Liu KD, Calfee CS

Association of large-airway lymphocytic bronchitis with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Greenland JR, Jones KD, Hays SR, Golden JA, Urisman A, Jewell NP, Caughey GH, Trivedi NN

Implications of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warning against the use of sildenafil for the treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Abman SH, Kinsella JP, Rosenzweig EB, Krishnan U, Kulik T, Mullen M, Wessel DL, Steinhorn R, Adatia I, Hanna B, Feinstein J, Fineman J, Raj U, Humpl T, Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Network (PPHNet)
