The Journal of Cell Biology

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Long lifetime and tissue-specific accumulation of lamin A/C in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Hasper J, Welle K, Swovick K, Hryhorenko J, Ghaemmaghami S, Buchwalter A

Evidence for lung barrier regeneration by differentiation prior to binucleated and stem cell division.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Guild J, Juul NH, Andalon A, Taenaka H, Coffey RJ, Matthay MA, Desai TJ

Notch1 cortical signaling regulates epithelial architecture and cell-cell adhesion.

The Journal of Cell Biology

White MJ, Jacobs KA, Singh T, Mayo LN, Lin A, Chen CS, Jun YW, Kutys ML

The GARP complex prevents sterol accumulation at the trans-Golgi network during dendrite remodeling.

The Journal of Cell Biology

O'Brien CE, Younger SH, Jan LY, Jan YN

The E3 ligase TRIM1 ubiquitinates LRRK2 and controls its localization, degradation, and toxicity.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Stormo AED, Shavarebi F, FitzGibbon M, Earley EM, Ahrendt H, Lum LS, Verschueren E, Swaney DL, Skibinski G, Ravisankar A, van Haren J, Davis EJ, Johnson JR, Von Dollen J, Balen C, Porath J, Crosio C, Mirescu C, Iaccarino C, Dauer WT, Nichols RJ, Wittmann T, Cox TC, Finkbeiner S, Krogan NJ, Oakes SA, Hiniker A

WASP integrates substrate topology and cell polarity to guide neutrophil migration.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Brunetti RM, Kockelkoren G, Raghavan P, Bell GRR, Britain D, Puri N, Collins SR, Leonetti MD, Stamou D, Weiner OD

A ciliopathy complex builds distal appendages to initiate ciliogenesis.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Kumar D, Rains A, Herranz-Pérez V, Lu Q, Shi X, Swaney DL, Stevenson E, Krogan NJ, Huang B, Westlake C, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Yoder BK, Reiter JF

Label-retention expansion microscopy.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Shi X, Li Q, Dai Z, Tran AA, Feng S, Ramirez AD, Lin Z, Wang X, Chow TT, Chen J, Kumar D, McColloch AR, Reiter JF, Huang EJ, Seiple IB, Huang B

The WAVE complex associates with sites of saddle membrane curvature.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Pipathsouk A, Brunetti RM, Town JP, Graziano BR, Breuer A, Pellett PA, Marchuk K, Tran NT, Krummel MF, Stamou D, Weiner OD

EPH/EPHRIN regulates cellular organization by actomyosin contractility effects on cell contacts.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Kindberg AA, Srivastava V, Muncie JM, Weaver VM, Gartner ZJ, Bush JO
