The Journal of Cell Biology

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Caveolin-1-dependent occludin endocytosis is required for TNF-induced tight junction regulation in vivo.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Marchiando AM, Shen L, Graham WV, Weber CR, Schwarz BT, Austin JR, Raleigh DR, Guan Y, Watson AJ, Montrose MH, Turner JR

The clathrin heavy chain isoform CHC22 functions in a novel endosomal sorting step.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Esk C, Chen CY, Johannes L, Brodsky FM

Erk1/2 MAP kinases are required for epidermal G2/M progression.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Dumesic PA, Scholl FA, Barragan DI, Khavari PA

Integrin alpha3beta1-dependent beta-catenin phosphorylation links epithelial Smad signaling to cell contacts.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Kim Y, Kugler MC, Wei Y, Kim KK, Li X, Brumwell AN, Chapman HA

Mechanisms and consequences of agonist-induced talin recruitment to platelet integrin alphaIIbbeta3.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Watanabe N, Bodin L, Pandey M, Krause M, Coughlin S, Boussiotis VA, Ginsberg MH, Shattil SJ

Coupling Ca2+ store release to Icrac channel activation in B lymphocytes requires the activity of Lyn and Syk kinases.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Chung SC, Limnander A, Kurosaki T, Weiss A, Korenbrot JI

Pseudomonas aeruginosa exploits a PIP3-dependent pathway to transform apical into basolateral membrane.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Kierbel A, Gassama-Diagne A, Rocha C, Radoshevich L, Olson J, Mostov K, Engel J

To stabilize neutrophil polarity, PIP3 and Cdc42 augment RhoA activity at the back as well as signals at the front.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Van Keymeulen A, Wong K, Knight ZA, Govaerts C, Hahn KM, Shokat KM, Bourne HR

Endothelial FAK is essential for vascular network stability, cell survival, and lamellipodial formation.

The Journal of Cell Biology

Braren R, Hu H, Kim YH, Beggs HE, Reichardt LF, Wang R
