Dear IHG Colleagues,
"I am writing to let you know that our esteemed colleague, Pui Kwok, will be assuming the directorship of the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, effective October 1.
This is a tremendous honor, but also a great new opportunity for Pui to help build a large precision medicine program in Taiwan . . . he will maintain his lab and his significant roles in the IHG, namely as Director of the Genomics Core Facility, member of the Executive Committee, and co-Director of the Genomic Medicine Initiative. He will continue as co-PI on both the NBSeq study and the newly funded CSER2 program. He will also maintain roles within the CVRI and Department of Dermatology. With his focus on precision medicine in Taiwan, we anticipate that there may be many opportunities for new collaborations between scientists there and here. . .
Let us all congratulate Pui on this recognition, and on the exciting opportunity ahead for him to build a new program to advance precision medicine and human genetics in Asia."
Congratulatory message excerpts from Neil Risch, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Human Genetics at UCSF.