
Pulse Today April 2020

Pulse Today

April 02, 2020
Pulse Today Read the April'20 edition  

Researcher of the Month: Natalia Jura, PhD

February 26, 2020
Natalia Jura, PhD, is focused on how cells transmit signals via protein molecules on their surface to elucidate what goes wrong in cellular communication with cancer.
Frog diagram

Changing Channels

September 30, 2019
  Kissing a frog might not spark a fairy tale ending, but learning how frogs survive some of nature’s most deadly poisons has opened a new chapter in the laboratory of Daniel Minor Jr.
Paralytic Shellfish

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Meets Its Match

August 15, 2019
  As climate change brings more red tides, a protein from the American bullfrog might provide protection from paralytic shellfish poisoning.

A Bullfrog’s Powerful Defense Against Toxic Red Tides

July 31, 2019
 As climate change raises ocean temperatures, fisheries and public health agencies closely monitor the waters for harmful algal blooms known as red tides.
